Risks of Orthobionomy

Orthobionomy is a form of bodywork focusing on the realignment of the skeletal system also known as correction of posture developed by Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls.

Dr. Pauls’ studies began in the 1960s when he became fond of the various therapies that can help treat the condition of the body as well as the dysfunctions by using the inner wisdom of the body itself. His practices led to the gathering of valuable information regarding the effects when you push the correction in the body. He found out that it is a hard way to follow and accept in his therapy that’s why he continued his studies and became more determined in finding a therapy that can ease the pain without force necessary. Pauls’ idea is that the body needs to accept the treatment and go along with it in harmony. This concept was solidified when he began using passive positioning on affected areas of the body. To his surprise, the passive positioning helped ease the pain which was more helpful than when fighting it off.

Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls’ determination led to the development and success of Orthobionomy which was taught to other individuals including massage therapist in the 1970s. Since then, the therapy was a common treatment for the proper positioning of the skeletal system, improvement in posture, flexibility and mobility, relief from stress and various types of musculoskeletal pain.

Although the techniques used in this type of massage therapy uses gentle force or the light application of pressure, slight discomfort and pain can be experienced by the patient due to the manipulation or therapy conducted to the correction of posture imbalances. For that reason, it is recommended that you seek the service of a professional massage therapist. It would not only give you the best results that you are after but it also cuts down the risks of having injuries due to the incorrect procedure and improper manipulations of the techniques used in an orthobionomy therapy session.

The study and practice of Orthobionomy requires experience and training from a highly trained therapist or school. Due to the manipulation of the bones in the skeletal system, any mistake can lead to harm more than the benefits a patient is expecting to gain from the therapy. The therapist should also be cautious with his or her every movement of the body parts.

The seniors, infants, pregnant women and individuals with bone problems such as broken bone, fragile bones and other conditions related to the skeletal system should never try and risk their health with this therapy. It is much better if you consult with a physician or your doctor prior to any decisions of having this therapy or any type of therapeutic massage.

In contrary to all the possible risks in an orthobionomy therapy, the treatment is effective in treating various medical conditions which includes common ailments, as well as acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain. It can also be used to help improve the immune system, circulation, and proper body posture. Aside from all of these, the thought of feeling a calming experience is quite good.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about hot stone massage techniques and hot stone massage products.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage rocks

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