Risks of Russian Massage

Although Russia was quite late in developing its own form of bodywork technique, the Russian massage therapy was worthy of all the waiting. The therapy involves vigorous treatment for the rehabilitation of the physical condition of the patient’s body.

During the early centuries, the ancient Slovaks which are now known as the Russians were known to have been using sticks during massage therapy sessions. These were soft twigs that were used for striking the body of the patient as a part of the treatment usually done in a sauna. Eventually, the twigs are used and rubbed on the patient’s body and are believed capable of promoting natural healing. Later on, massage therapy was gradually studied and classic massage therapies were developed and conducted to the public as an alternative treatment to the medicines. However, due to the lack of knowledge in alternative medical care, the public did not receive massage therapy quite well not until the end of World War II. By the end of the war, the supply of medicine in Russia became slim which forced the medical group of the country to rely on the natural healing wonders of massage.

Russian massage therapy has quite good benefits to offer to the patient. Although it is said to be more on the therapeutic side of massage, the patient can as well benefit from its relaxing and relieving effects. There are many discussions and debate related to the effects of this therapy on relaxation. Some say that it is not applicable as a form of relaxation therapy due to its painful approach during the therapy session. It includes aggressive techniques that may cause slight pain to the body that is why the term “waking of muscles” has been used in association with the therapy. However, there is also a good explanation why this can also be called a relaxing therapy. As the muscle or any condition is relieved during the therapy, the mind and body becomes calm and feels the removal of the heavy burden from the problem.

Although the risks when having a Russian massage therapy are quite low as compared to the other types of deep therapeutic massage conducted and practiced all over the world, there’s still no need to drop your guard. However, anyone can say that it is safe due to the fact that the therapy itself is used as a form of medical practice prescribed by all doctors in Russia. Research shows that people who are not into strenuous rehabilitation treatment are less likely to love the therapy and would gain benefits from it. It is important that the patient is satisfied and happy with the methods and results of the therapy in order to gain improvement on his or her conditions. In order to enjoy the low risk of this therapy though, you will need the service of a highly trained massage therapist who knows how much pressure is allowed and unacceptable to avoid doing damage instead of good to the body. It is also important that the patient does the preparations required.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about hot stone massage techniques and hot stone massage products.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage rocks

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