Self Defense: Basic Human Rights

It is a part of your basic human rights to defend yourself against an attack, an assault or when the situation requires you to. But of course, this is not as easy as you may think it is. You have to undergo some preparations and training depending on what self defense option that you want to consider. You can consider using self defense devices or learn some self defense techniques. But you have to know what you should exactly do when the time comes that you have to defend yourself. So how can you properly defend yourself against an attacker?

In the event that you are already attacked by a robber and the like, the first thing that you should do is to remain calm and focused. This is really hard to do knowing that you are already in great danger but this is what you must do. You also have to react quickly as soon as the attacker is near you or has already touched you. The main reason for this is that you should not wait for the attacker to get a hold of you because by then it would be more difficult to defend yourself. Make use of all of your strength to fight back and never consider the thought of holding back because it’s not the best time for that. Give the attacker with your best shot because you may not have another chance. However, you have to make that when the attacker is no longer a threat, you should stop whatever it is that you are doing. When you are in the process of defending yourself, you are allowed to do whatever you want unto the attacker but once it is already evident that the attacker is no longer a threat to you, you should stop because charges can filed against you, if you do not stop using your self defense weapon on him/her.

If you are carrying a stun gun with you, you have to get it quickly and stun the attacker in his/her chest, neck or hips because these are the areas where there is a high concentration of nerves. The electric volt or electric shock released by the device will be enough to immobilize or incapacitate the attacker giving you time to run for help. If you have a pepper spray instead of a stun gun, you can immediately spray it on the attacker’s eyes so that he/she will become temporarily blind. And while the attacker is not able to see anything yet, you can run as fast as you can and call the cops.

And when you already have the chance to run and escape, make sure that you won’t waste a single second of your time. You can go to a place where there are many people or a place where you can be safe. When you are already far away from the attacker, you can call the police officers or the cops immediately so that they can respond and catch the attacker before the effect of the stun gun or pepper spray wears off.

Author Bio: Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for which sells stun guns and tazer as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: self defense,self defense devices,self defense techniques,self defense products

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