Solar Water Heaters

It is a well known fact that solar water heaters are immensely popular all over the world these days. In India too, they are popular but their popularity isn’t as much as in other countries of the world. Hence it can be said that there is a slow yet steady pickup of interest in the installation of solar water heaters among the Indian citizens but because of the lack of enthusiasm in investing in this kind of product there is a difference between the cost of solar water heaters in India and those in other countries of the world.

In India individual orders, i.e. orders consisting of a single unit only can cost anywhere between Rs 13000 and Rs 28000 while the cost of bulk orders can range from Rs 9000 to Rs 12000. However these are just approximate figures because the prices of these solar water heaters may vary depending on the type of usage.

Even though India may have a sunny and warmer climate in comparison to China which has a comparatively colder climate, but the price of solar water heaters in China is much lower than that of its Indian counterpart. This is because of the fact that there is more production as well as installation of solar water heaters in China in comparison to that of India. At present China is considered as the country with the largest solar water heating market. In comparison to the present foothold of China, India is lagging far behind even though the weather conditions in India may be more favorable for the purpose of harnessing solar energy. However the good news is that things are beginning to look up on the solar water heater front in India.

Solar water heater is a natural way of heating up water in India. There are a lot of advantages of using solar water heater. Generally speaking, this kind of water heating system is used mostly for domestic purposes. A solar water heating system usually comprises of solar collectors and storage tanks. The principle behind the functioning of these heaters is very simple and straightforward – the collectors or solar panels are installed onto the rooftops of homes or open places where plenty of direct sunlight can be obtained. So the heat collected by these panels is transferred into pipes which contain water and thus the heating process begins. After that the hot water is stored inside the storage tanks for direct usage whenever required.

If you have the desire to install solar water heaters at home then the first step which you need to take in this aspect would be to find out the basic functions of such heaters and see whether they appeal to you or not. You also need to do some research work and see which type of heater would be best for your house. Also consider the geographical location you are in before you install such a water heater.

The size of your house also matters when it comes to purchasing a solar water heater because if you have a big house then you will require plenty of panels. Likewise, in case you have a small house then you will need to install lesser number of panels. To purchase these panels one can visit online stores or contact some suppliers of solar water heaters. Even though the installation charges of these water heaters may be expensive but they are considerably affordable in comparison to the cost of operation of electric water heaters or even the gas operated versions.

Author Bio: There are many advantages of using solar water heaters. First off these are extremely cost efficient in comparison to other conventional water heaters since these are powered by the sun, which is a gigantic and natural power station up in the sky. Also, these water heaters are completely environment-friendly. So you can consider purchasing solar water heaters in India.

Category: Education
Keywords: Solar Water Heater, Solar Water Heater India

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