The Dalai Lama Says About the Purpose of Life…

One of my favorite quotes from the Dalai Lama was; \”I believe that the very purpose of life is to seek happiness.\”
Easier said than done right? Most of us aren\’t living our lives this way at all. It seems that life simply \”takes over\” and leaves us wondering if happiness is even possible.

If you take a moment to consider all the different elements in your life (family, friends, home, health, job, romance, well-being, etc.) it can be quite an adventure on a daily basis. How many times do you stop and think whether or not you\’re happy? Most people let it slip by, but it should definitely be high up on the priority list.

Did you ever stop to think what life would be like if happiness was more important? Well, if you do then it\’s going to transform your experiences and provide you with a different view of the world!

This could all happen if you made your purpose in life to seek happiness.

Granted, you will have plenty of negative voices in your head grumbling things like; \”What if I\’m too happy? What if people think I\’m crazy?\” Well, there aren\’t too many people out there who are overtly happy. Don\’t accept the temptations of just trying to fit in with everyone else.

There is nothing wrong with a life full of joy and happiness, and it begins by allowing yourself to feel this way. Just try to experience the world through happiness and you will be amazed at the results!

Everyone should believe they can love every inch of their life; including you. It\’s a good thing if you want to live life to the fullest!

Unfortunately it is very easy to fall into the trap of procrastinating. All it takes is a thought like; \”One day when…\” or \”Someday I\’ll…\”? The end result is that you never get around to it at all. How many people do you know who want to put \”having fun\” off until they retire? Those who do end up with enough energy or good health to actually do it!

The point is; NOW is the time to take charge of your life and forget about what everyone else is telling you.
Here are a few tips to help you get started:

* Focus in on one area of your life where you want to see more happiness.* Take the time to write out what that would look like. Just by describing an ideal picture of you totally happy is a start in the right direction.* Figure out what it will take to build this \”happy\” place like Adam Sandler in \”Happy Gilmore.\”* Now list your first 3 action steps to make it happen.* Use them!

What it comes down to is you owe it to yourself to be happy. It can transform every facet of your life in a blink of an eye. Oh, and don\’t worry if this sounds selfish, because it\’s not.

Those who feel like they are the beacon of light will discover their purpose in life. It\’s very contagious and you will notice that your actions will inspire others to do the same. Just think about how beneficial this could be to your children if you\’re a parent. You will definitely impact their lives in a positive manner.

No matter what road you travel; choose to be a positive catalyst anywhere in the world.

To your magnificence!
Andrea Woolf

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Category: Advice
Keywords: Dalai Lama,Andrea Woolf

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