The Humble Beginnings of Massage Therapy: What Was Massage Therapy Done For Centuries Ago?

Massage therapy has been an integral part of human civilization. In fact, massage therapy had been used even before the famous Beethoven and Nostradamus had been born and brought forth. This act had been practiced time and time again in the olden days that convey different purposes and meanings. The following are such examples.

Massage Therapy as a way to praise and idolize
On the centuries when kings ruled and queens wore Vera Wang like gowns and skirts all day long, massage therapy had been used as a way to praise and idolize leaders and heroes. In those cases, leaders would mean the kings and queens and the heroes would be the brave princes and knights. Villagers, commoners or the palace maids would massage these shinning figures to praise and idolize them for their heroic acts. Of course, the heroic acts would be to win a palatial war or win over a new territory for the kingdom. Things like that. And usually with this kind of retrospect, the massage therapy comes with a full blown feast. Now that’s a congratulation party!

Massage Therapy as a way of beautification
Still in the olden days, particularly in Egypt, massage therapy was done on the wives of pharaohs to as a way to keep them young, unsullied, zesty and beautiful. Massage therapy has been proven to have been done to Cleopatra. As everyone knows how exquisite she is, she is also vain. That is why she sees to it that she is rubbed, smothered and massaged at several times a day with the world’s finest aromatic oils and perfumes. Now that’s the life.

Massage Therapy as a way to give thanks
Now, saying thank you is one thing but saying it with a massage is another and BETTER. Unfortunate villagers of the Philippines were visited by doctors from afar. These doctors healed their sick and taught to them ways to heal the sick themselves. In the earlier times of the world, the Philippines were not as rich as it is today. All they had to offer these kind doctors were rice and a soothing massage. Yes, these poor villagers massaged their way to saying thanks for all that was done to them. The doctors were pleased with them that they have extended their time with them. It is safe to say that in this circumstance, massage therapy has also been a way to create new bonds and attract friendship. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

A few centuries ago, medicine isn’t all it has cracked up to be. Medicines for weird diseases and ailments were left jaded and undiscovered. And in those very unfortunate times, doctors used massage therapy as a way to heal the sick. The olden doctors would gently massage their patients to relieve them off their pain. Also, massage therapy had been used to correct swelling and twisted tendons and veins caused by injuries. This method is called as “hilot” in the Philippines. It is an effective way to mend the indignant area.

It is very interesting and pleasing to know that massage therapy had encrypted itself on the history of mankind. Seeing now, massage therapy is still continuing to captivate and touch each and every heart, mind, body and soul in this earth. Truly, massage therapy is here to stay.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about performing hot stone massage therapy and obtaining a proper hot stone massage kit.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage, hot stone massage kit

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