The Importance Of Finding A PH Balanced Diet

In striving for better health and fitness, many people are becoming aware of our bodies\’ ph balance. PH, or the potential for Hydrogen, is the measurement of acidity in a solution, however, in this article; the ph balance will refer to the measurement of acidity in our bodies. It is critical that we maintain a healthy level of ph in our bodies if we hope to achieve any level of health. A healthy ph balance falls between 6 and 7.5 so that anything lower than a 6.0, and our bodies have too much acid. Anything more than a 7.5 and our bodies are too alkaline.
Chemical processes in our bodies, including the cellular changes that provide metabolism, also include,

– Digestion
– Absorption
– Elimination.

Maintaining A Healthy PH Balance

These processes depend on the human body to have a balanced ph level to work properly. During digestion, our bodies absorb both nutrients and toxins. This allows our metabolism to create new cells. At the same time, we have a working elimination process that disposes of the waste in our bodies that would otherwise become toxic and poison us. In order for these processes to function at peak capacity, we must use diet to maintain a ph balance that promotes these efficient processes.

The Responsible Eater

In order to balance our PH levels, we have to eat foods that promote and provide both acid and alkali. This means eating both types of foods. With a careful diet, we can provide ourselves with the kind of healthy opportunities that will allow us to grow old with fewer complications like illness and disease. It is the responsibility of each person to make these healthy choices.

– Acids include: red meat, fats, and sugars
– Alkaline include: whole grains, vegetables, and fruit


We have to educate ourselves as to what foods provide that balance that we are striving towards. Not all of the acidic foods in their raw state provide acid once it has been digested. This is why research into the matter is so vital. The lemon is a good for instance. A fresh lemon, as we all know, is a acidic fruit, however, as we digest the lemon, it works to provide alkaline. This is the kind of information we must be responsible for if we expect to have a proper diet.

The Proper Resource Tool

A proper diet like the one mentioned above is an essential part of a healthier world. The invention of the Internet has provided us with an invaluable tool to use towards this goal. We now have dietary information readily available. This is what allows us to move forward in confidence, knowing that we can now make the important decisions regarding our healthy diet. Knowing how to achieve a proper ph balance is half the battle in a war waged on malnutrition, a state that has many senior citizens cornered.

Helping Each Other

If everyone who can get on board-will, we can then make it our jobs to help those who cannot. That is really what makes the world go around, people helping people. Unfortunately, while our seniors on a fixed budget cannot always make the right choices as far as diet goes, the Internet will also provide information on what kind of inexpensive substitutions can be made, which goes a long way towards helping everyone find and stay on a great, nutritional diet program.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our Bloodborne Pathogens Training website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: types of foods,acid and alkali,Absorption,Digestion

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