The Tree of Life Film Review

Hate or it love it, Brad Pitt will still be on top, regardless of the box office numbers from his new The Tree of Life film.

It is the type of movie that critics will love, and audiences will love not so much. Nevertheless, The Tree of Life film is timely and relevant because it deals with the philosophical struggles that many people battle daily, which are is there really a loving God, where does life come from and what is one’s purpose on Earth?

Jessica Chastain plays Mrs. O’Brien (Pitt’s wife), a religious woman who sees the beauty in God’s blessings and attempts to live the way He would want her to. Nevertheless, when her son dies at 19 years old, she begins questioning her beliefs.

The O’Brien’s begin asking God “why” and “where were you” when their son needed protection.

Although the story would have been better if told in chronological order, it’s depiction of how some believers doubt and question God’s judgment is usually never spoken aloud by people of faith. However, all believers have been in Mrs. O’Brien’s shoes, not fully understanding God’s plan for their life, especially when misfortune falls upon the righteous.

A pastor is there to comfort them, explaining to them that misfortune falls upon the good too.

The Tree of Life film also shows the religious dynamic between many married couples; a deeply religious matriarch and a skeptical patriarch.

Mr. O’Brien (Pitt) believes his wife is very na

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