The Truth About Dogs And Cats – Why Spay And Neuter Our Pets?

As a pet owner, it is considered one of your responsibilities to have them neutered. There are several benefits why this has to be done.

A healthier life for your pet. There are several illnesses that may be prevented when a pet is spayed or neutered. Such conditions can be uterine infections and breast cancer. Preventing these conditions will not only help them live longer, of course, they also get to live a quality life.

For the male pets, the incidence of testicular cancer may be reduced or prevented when they are neutered. This is usually experienced by pets that were neutered before they reach the age of 6 months.

Contrary to what others say, a pet that has been neutered will not become too fat. Well, the neutering itself will not be the reason. Your pet can gain weight if it lacks exercise and if it does not take in a well balanced diet.

Your pet won\’t go in heat. There are several benefits of having a pet that doesn\’t go in heat. One, you can avoid the noise that it makes. Cats and dogs can make noises that would seem to call the attention of another cat or dog. You would not want to experience this noise as you will be suffering with it from one night to another.

Another advantage when a pet does not go in heat is the fact that you can avoid the mess it can make in the house or in your backyard. These pets may urinate more frequently than usual. Also, pets tend to mark their territories with their urine. So, neutering them will help eliminate this instinct.

You can secure your pets. This is especially applicable to male dogs. Once they have found a mate, it will do all means possible to get out of the, away from your property, and into the place of its mate. You do not know where your pet can go to or what dangers it can face in the way. It can become injured or it may be involved in an accident in the streets. So, when it is neutered, you can do away of having to worry about your pets.

Furthermore, this will give you a pet that is well-behaved. Since it will not feel any interest of getting out of the house to find its mate, you can control what your pet\’s activities will be.

It will save you some money. Imagine the cost of having to take care and feed one, two, or three more pets in your home. It surely will be more than what it will cost you if you neuter them. Also, you may be faced with expenses when your pet gets injured after it has gotten out of your property in search of its mate. Some states will have laws regarding stray dogs. If your dog was taken as one, you will have to shell out some money for the fine.

You get to help other people. Let\’s face it, your dog, no matter how well-behaved you consider it, can look frightening to some of your neighbors. So, if they were not neutered and they get out of the house, they can pose danger to your neighbors.

Also, you get to spare your neighbors the noise of a noisy pet when it is in heat.

Author Bio: Jerri Nice D. Torres enjoys writing for Petflow which sells dog food by Blue Buffalo and fromm dog food as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Pets
Keywords: stray dogs,male dogs,male pets,pet owner,regarding stray dogs,pets

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