Tips For Canadians Filing a Car Insurance Claim

For motorists, it is essential to know the general steps on how to make a car insurance claim in Canada. Although the policies can differ depending on the province, territory or the agency handling the warranty, knowing the following might help.

Any potential claimant should be familiar with his agency\’s terms and conditions governing the case. One way of knowing this is by calling the contact provided in the Canadian Inter-Province Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Card during the accident. This card would entitle the person to any benefits regardless of where he is in Canada. For this reason, it is important to always bring it whenever he is driving.

Before doing anything else like arguing with the other driver if a collision is involved, it is best to determine if somebody among the people affected is badly injured. Calling immediate medical attention is necessary. In the province of Quebec, however, only those that have incurred injuries in accidents except collisions would be handled by the government. Otherwise, they will have to contact their private carrier.

Afterward, the persons involved would have to give out information about each other to put in the joint report form. Some of the details to be included are the drivers\’ names and their addresses, their phone numbers, license and plate numbers, insurers\’ names and contacts, as well as the report of the police officer involved.

It would also be necessary to take note of the names of any witnesses present. Their accounts would greatly assist the claims adjusters in evaluating the whole case. The result would determine who would be accountable for specific damages and the things to be covered as well as the amounts involved. Hence, witnesses may play a vital role in getting the case closed.

Motorists should note that not the same regulations are applicable for every province or territory in Canada; likewise, there are different classifications of insurances. There are those limited only bodily injuries, others have wider coverage. Most of the automobiles in Canada avail of the universal coverage though but it would still be important to take note of the specifics by establishing connections with the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

In connection to physical injuries, there are a lot of differences per province. Ontario gives claimants a chance to sue for income loss with accompanying medical rehabilitation and the costs related to it once their injuries were found out to be fatal according to the court\’s specifications. On the other hand, Saskatchewan only allows suing for loss of income if the amount has exceeded that indicated by the laws of the province.

Suing for pain and suffering brought about by collisions is not permitted in the provinces of Quebec, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. However, Ontario also may allow this if death occurred to the person involved or the physical damages were very serious.

For this place and Quebec, there will be compensation provided for the loss of use as well as share of the damage of the automobile if the other party was deemed to be at fault. This is called direct compensation. But in the long run, all provinces except Newfoundland and Labrador are required to provide accidental benefits. With all the complexities involved, it is significant for Canadians to thoroughly know about car insurance specifications to avail of what is due to them.

Author Bio: Looking for a quick and efficient roadside assistance service with CAA insurance? As Canada\’s largest automobile association, the CAA have towing services, trip accident assistance, and car insurance available to all their members.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: Insurance, travel insurance, car insurance, finance, financial, money, economy, rates, family

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