Tips For Creating a Professional Company Letterhead

Have you ever wondered by letterheads are important to companies no matter how big or small they are? Do you have any idea of its vital components? Are you hesitant to create one due to lack of knowledge on how to do the job right? If so, consider the tips and suggestions mentioned below.

They say first impression is lasting, thus, business enterprises should make it a point to impress their existing or new customers by giving them quality corporate letterhead in every transaction they have. Make it sure that it contains the important essence of your firm’s style and purpose, its identity and its brand.

Before you start your task, you must first know how important it is to your business.


It raises the trustworthiness and reliability of the company.
It boosts recall from customers.
It makes the business enterprise appear professional and formal.
It makes you more credible.
It conveys security to customers.
It showcases reliability and creativeness.
It is needed in the sales and marketing strategies of firms.

Tips on how to design an effective letterhead for your business:

Be sure to keep the design simple. – Avoid having too many effects and complex effects because it overshadows its professionalism. Make sure to create a logo that details the company’s strength and not just an artwork.

If you have a computer software to do the job, then do so. There are numerous application software for the said purpose, such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop or Adobe InDesign. These applications will let you create a perfect document.

Make sure that it is readable. Choose the correct font size, style and color. Avoid using fancy fonts. It is not the font that makes the stationery stand out, but it is the design.

Make sure to use graphics and color as needed. Use it within the design of the logo. Select an image and color that rightfully emphasize the company.

Avoid placing too much details. Make sure it has the firm’s name, telephone number, address, email address and nothing more. Ensure that it is clean and readable.

If you hire the services of a printing company to make the stationery, ensure that you have the correct number printed. Avoid printing too any reams because it is costly.

To avoid extra cost, make sure you have the proper size, design, graphics and text.

To select the right color combination, you can use the Pantone Color Swatch Book.

Before the actual printing starts, make sure to have the document checked and press proof to avoid errors. Check for spelling errors and typographical errors before the printing job starts because it is costly to reprint the batch again. Make sure to double check the address, telephone number and email address.

If you want to have a discount, you can also order your business cards and brochures to the same printer. Printing companies give discounts to those who bulk orders.

With all the information and tips above, you can print your stationery efficiently.

Author Bio: Andre Paul B. Reynolds is a leisure writer who enjoys sharing information about certificate paper and Itoya profolio as well as other interesting topics.

Category: Business Management
Keywords: paper,company letterhead,letterhead

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