Tips For Preventing Exercise Injuries

Regular and daily exercise can bring about many benefits for your body and fitness. However, excessively intense and strenuous workouts can have a negative impact and cause a number of unnecessary injuries. The point of exercising is to improve your health and not to harm your body. The following tips will help you in preventing any injuries from occurring due to exercise.

Warming up
Warming up before your exercise or daily physical activity is extremely important. Performing a warm up before your exercise greatly reduces the chance of you straining your muscles while working out. As little as five minutes of walking or jogging or some time spent cycling gently is enough for you to loosen your muscles and prepare your body for your workout.

Start gently and slowly
Do not tax your body with workouts or activities that it simply cannot perform. If you are not a regular runner and have not been running for a long time, do not start out with a 10 mile run right from the beginning. Instead begin with something like 5 miles and gradually increase the distance.

Cooling down
As warming up before a workout is important, so too is cooling down after you have performed your exercises. Cooling down allows the lactic acid that is built up in your muscles during exercise to be released. Your cool down can mirror your warm up in the form of a short duration of walking or jogging. Cooling down after exercise helps in preventing soreness in the muscles.

Stretching helps in improving the flexibility of your muscles and thus reduces risk of injury. Stretches can be performed either after your warm up or before your cool down and should only be done while your body is warm. Be wary of over stretching your muscles as this could lead to injuries.

Exercise with care
Beware of over exercising and do not exercise on days you are feeling unwell. Stop working out if you feel like collapsing halfway through your exercise. Consult your doctor if you feel any pain or uneasiness while performing your exercise. There is a thin line between pushing yourself and over exertion.

Pains and aches
While it is normal to feel slight soreness after you first begin to exercise, be careful not to ignore any pain that is severe. If you feel that you are sore and are in pain even after two to three days, you should talk with your doctor or physician.

Proper equipment
A great way of avoiding exercise injuries is to make sure that you are using the correct gear. A good pair of running shoes, for example, will provide support to your ankles and feet and also provide you with insulation. Always ensure that you wear a helmet when you are riding your bike out in the open.

Be alert
It is extremely important that you be alert when you are out walking, running, biking or jogging. You never know where there might be an unexpected hole in the road or an obstacle of some other sort. Be especially wary of any moving vehicles on the road. For all these reasons, it is best if you exercise in the morning rather than in the dark.

Exercising and working out should be a fun activity that is designed to help improve your overall health. It need not be a strenuous activity that causes harm to your body. Following the above tips will help in lowering the chances of you developing an injury from your workout and help you to enjoy your workouts more.

Author Bio: To book a Personal Trainer Coogee for a free boot camp consultation, visit Boot Camp in Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer Coogee

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