Tips to Increase Weight Healthily and Safely

Are you sick and tired of being skinny? If so, here are some tips on how you can increase your body weight healthily and safely.

To put on more weight, you will need to eat more calories than you burn for your energy everyday until the day you reach your goal. You can also speed up the weight gaining process by doing ressistance workout in the gym to build bigger muscles on your skinny body frame so that you can look bigger and more muscular.

Some people have high metabolic rate and thus are skinny naturally. However being underweight can be because of eating disorders, having a small appetite or because of certain medical conditions. If you noticed that you have been losing weight recently, you are advised to see your medical practitioner immediately to rule out any dangerous dieseases such as TB or cancers amongst others medical conditions that can cause sudden loss of weight.

Medical conditions aside, you can start your weight gain program by consuming more food at every meal or to eat more meals. The idea is to increase your calorie intake. Yes, this sounds like common sense, but have you tried to consume more calories consistently instead of doing so for a week or two, then seeing relatively little result went back to your regular eating habits? For anything to work, it must be done in a consistent manner and so is gaining weight and eating more.

Next, you should choose foods that are high in calories but do not eat more of unhealthy foods like junk foods. You want to gain healthy weight and to do it safely, so bad calories simply do not fit the requirement. So choose nutrient dense foods like legumes, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. You should also increase your consumption of dairy products such as cheese and milk, good lean meats, poultry and fish.

Your meals should be balanced with the proper amounts of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fat. Try to avoid trans fat and saturated fat if you can. If your weight gaining program includes weight training, then you should eat more protein to feed your muscle growth.

After a few weeks of consuming more calories and you still have not gained any weight, then you may wish to add even more calories by consuming weight gain supplements or get your medical practitioner to prescribe some appetite stimulants to increase your appetite so that you will want to eat even more.

Training with weights to build muscles can also increase your weight because your muscle is heavier than your body fat. That goes to say that the more muscle you packed on your body, the heavier you will become. Furthermore, you will look great with a well toned musculature.

Most people new to bodybuilding will make the mistake of concentrating on small muscles like the biceps, forearms or shoulder muscles for the simple reason that these muscles are more visible and can make you look sexy. However for the purpose of building overall musculature on the entire body and to put on muscle mass and thus muscle weight quickly, you should concentrate on working out with compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pull ups and dips.

Compound exercises work more muscle groups and fibers and stimulate more muscular growth. At the same time because of its intensity, it forces your body to produce more testosterone and thus, encourages more muscle growth on your entire body. Just follow these weigh gain tips and see your weight climb upwards week afater week in a safe and healthy manner.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a sought after fitness and health consultant. He said that if you want to gain serious weight and muscles, then you must read How to increase weight and how to get bigger muscles and become a hunk.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: how to increase weight, gain weight, muscles, tips

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