Top 4 Home Remedies For High-Blood Pressure

Blood is circulated throughout the human body by means of carrying vessels called arteries. These arise from the heart and carry the oxygenated blood from the heart to the farthest corner of your body. Blood pressure is the cumulative force which the blood exerts on the walls of the arteries, while it is moving through them. The blood pressure is highest during the systolic pressure, which occurs when the heart contracts and the blood is sent up the artery wall.

During the diastolic pressure, the heart muscles relax and consequently the force exerted on the walls of the artery by the blood, too, is lower. The normal systolic pressure in a healthy adult should be 120, while the normal diastolic pressure should be 80. When these two values reach a minimum of 140 and 90 respectively, the adult is said to be suffering from high blood pressure. Needless to say, high blood pressure has acquired the status of a high risk ailment in the present age, since a huge number of people all over the world suffer from it. Whereas it was earlier thought to affect people who are aged above fifty, it has now moved down the ladder and thanks to the stressful lives we all lead, every adult is prone to high blood pressure.

– There are several causes for High blood pressure, of which, a minor type is also known as hypertension. At present, the dominant cause is undoubtedly stress and the high-paced life. But, there can be other factors. Obesity has also been pinned down as one of the salient causes, as well as high sodium intake and hormonal changes.

– How does one distinguish high blood pressure from the other common ailments, one may ask, since the symptoms are indeed the same as many other diseases. They may include nausea, breathing problems, headaches and nose bleeding. All of these symptoms lead to restlessness in the patient. To avoid complicating matters, do not ignore any of these symptoms and consult the doctor if you are get tired easily, or are a victim of chronic headache and nausea. It is extremely important to nip high blood pressure in its bud, as neglect and incorrect treatment may lead to kidney failure, heart ailments and other serious illnesses.

– When you consult your doctor, he will conduct the routine tests and suggest the medicines, a diet chart, exercises and the various don’ts, that are involved in this disease. Apart from the medical course of treatment, it is also beneficial that you start a home-based remedial treatment, which will keep your mind and body healthy, and also work together with your medicines to curb this deadly ailment.

– The first change that you have to make is in the lifestyle. Go for walks, or practice yoga. Avoid oily, junk foods, stick to home cooked meals. Late nights, drinking and smoking are to be banned altogether. These small but significant changes go a long way in decreasing the blood pressure by lowering stress levels.

The kind of food you eat plays an immense role in your blood pressure levels. If you are a victim, include lots of potassium rich foods, like bananas, spinach, grapes, and soy products in your diet. One of the best natural antidotes for high blood pressure is garlic, which is a powerful anti-virus, and regular consumption can keep your blood pressure in control. However, garlic is known to be a blood-thinner and is therefore not recommended for all patients; so, do consult your doctor before you try it as a remedy.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our CPR & First Aid Training website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: diastolic pressure,artery,systolic pressure,oxygenated blood ,human body ,High-Blood Pressure

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