Transmission Repair: Beware Unethical Practices

Anyone in need of transmission repair will probably already be wary of mechanic shops. Garages where cars are repaired have something of a reputation for dishonesty, which may make finding a good one a rather difficult task. Even if a driver only needs a transmission fluid change, it may be in that driver’s best interest to get a few referrals on where to take the car. Dishonest transmission repair shops are able to get away with their unethical ways for a few reasons.

For one, transmission shops are in short supply compared to general automotive repair garages. Because of this balance of supply and demand, a business which does repairs may be able to charge high rates. This is of course fair that is, until a shop takes their high rates to new extremes.

There is general ignorance surrounding how a transmission works and how best it should be repaired which is another reason why such garages may get away with murder when it comes to rates. Only a specialist is likely to be well-versed in the ways of a car transmission, which makes it difficult to see for yourself if what a technician is telling you is correct. What follows are a few of the mistakes customers make when they approach an automotive tech, as well as a few of the scams customers should work to avoid.

When a driver requires a new transmission, that driver is typically given two options. He can either have a new and very expensive transmission installed, or a rebuilt transmission can be installed instead. At first glance, a rebuilt type will seem appealing because it costs about half what a new one will. But there are some problems in opting for the rebuilt, it may not perform as well or last as long as a new one would. A repair shop which has earned its good reputation will be able to build a lasting transmission, but first such a shop must be found. A driver should not purchase a rebuilt one without some kind of warranty, the last thing anyone wants is for the transmission they have purchased to fail only days later. A driver should be sure to get a warranty in writing and a shop should not be trusted to honor any verbal agreements.

Promises of discounts and deals should be a red flag from any automotive shop. Companies that pay their employees commission-based wages are also to be avoided. Because such shops pay their employees based on the money drivers spend, the employees have a massive incentive to get drivers to spend as much money as possible. Drivers may end up buying parts they do not need or paying for services a car does not require. If you feel the pressure is on to get you to spend as much money as possible, you should get a second opinion. Again, warranties are an important thing to obtain in writing. Often times a mechanic will just tell you to bring the car back if there is any trouble, but if the guarantee is not made in writing a driver may be stuck paying for more costly repairs.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter searched the term transmission repair Houston when he needed help after an accident. His son searched the term transmission fluid change Houston for some automobile maintenance issues.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: transmission repair Houston,transmission fluid change Houston

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