Treat Your Pet Fish With Care

If you find yourself so disoriented inside the average pet store that you are searching for fish supplies in the bird food section, this article is for you. There are a few things one must know before setting out to purchase supplies for a fish tank. The supplies you buy are not the only things needed in order to keep an aquarium healthy and happy. And the second is that the supplies you need will depend greatly on the type of aquarium you are cultivating, as well as the varieties of fish within it.

Fish often die when they are overfed and in fact, this is the most common cause of an aquarium-side death. Interestingly, it is not because the fish are gorging themselves on the excess food, but because the extra supplies dissolve in the water, releasing toxic substances that eventually kill the fish. Keep in mind that fish do not need to be fed each day, and should rarely be fed more than three times a week. In between feedings, the fish will find tiny plant and animal substances to keep them feeling full.

Though it may be simpler and preferable for novice aquarium owners to buy fish food from the store, you may also prepare some at home. Tropical fish will feast on boiled spinach or fresh lettuce. For fish with insect cravings, pet stores often sell water fleas and red worms. Fish may also enjoy earthworms. A balanced fish diet can also include dried fish food, chopped live food and small vegetables. (Note that if you are serving live or raw food and a healthy fish is fed a sick fish, the result will be that neither fish is healthy.)

Water temperature must be routinely checked because any extreme variation in tank temperature may be harmful to the health of your fish. The preferred temperature depends on your fish, naturally. While tropical fish appreciate warmer waters, not all aquarium pets are thrilled at the prospect. Temperatures between 72 and 80 degrees will allow tropical fish to thrive. To maintain this aquarium environment, pick up a heating and self-regulating mechanism from any store that sells fish supplies. If you do not want to bother with tropical fish, consider starting an aquarium which will feature goldfish, minnows, sunfish, catfish or darters. Those who are setting out to begin their first aquarium often select the more attractive goldfish for their purposes.

Note that if this is your first aquarium you may want to select less expensive fish to start with. You do not want to spend too much on a fish only to have it die on you and unfortunately, there are no fish warranties. Guppies are a nice tropical option for the first-time buyer. They produce quite a few young and are generally vivacious in color and strength. Black mollies, swordtails and platy fish are also inexpensive and easy to care for, though guppies are really much more tolerant. Another thing to think about is how well fish will get along in a tank together because you do not want them eating each other, after all.

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis recently purchased specialty bird food online for their collection of backyard bird feeders. She ordered specialty fish supplies online for their large salt water tank.

Category: Pets
Keywords: bird food,fish supplies

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