Treatment Options For Common Dental Problems

Healthy teeth and gums have a positive effect on the quality of life of an individual. So what if you have a dental problem that affects the health of your teeth or makes you self-conscious? Do not worry; almost all dental problems can be solved by your dentist.

Here is a list of some common dental problems and solutions that dentists recommend.

Discoloration of the teeth

Teeth can appear yellow, discolored or stained due to several reasons. Food items containing strong coloring pigments, such as tea, coffee, red wine etc., can stain teeth. Another contributing factor is lifestyle habits such as cigarette smoking. Smoking leaves a tough stain on the surface of teeth. Teeth may also naturally darken with age. The mineral structure of the enamel breaks down, making it more porous, and the underlying darker dentin layer shows through. Certain medications also cause the teeth to darken.

You can prevent your teeth from getting discolored by brushing and flossing regularly. Also try and limit the intake of staining food items and cut down on smoking. Apart from these preventive measures, already discolored teeth can be lightened through teeth bleaching. Modern light-activated bleaching gels can lighten your teeth to up to 6 shades. For persistent stains that even strong bleaching cannot tackle, you have cosmetic camouflage options such as dental veneers. These are thin ceramic shells placed on the surface of the teeth, forming a perfect fa

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