Types And Causes Of Hiatal Hernia

What is Hiatal Hernia?
Hiatal hernia is the protrusion of the upper part of the stomach into the thorax through some tear or an opening in a weak diaphragm. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle that divides the chest region and the abdomen. Most cases of hital hernia are asymptomatic and are discovered incidentally. It can lead to life- threatening complications as gastric volvulus or strangulation.

Types of Hiatal Hernia:

There are two types of Hiatal Hernia:

– The first and the most common type is the sliding hiatal hernia. It is found in almost 95% of the cases. In this condition, the gastroesophageal junction moves above the diaphragm with the stomach.

– The second type is rolling hiatal hernia and is found rarely in the remaining 5% cases. In this condition of hernia, a part of the stomach herniates through the esophageal hiatus and rests behind the esophagus, without the movement of gastroesophageal junction.

Causes of Hiatal Hernia:

In adults, it is seen mostly in people with weak supporting tissue that chains the diaphragm and thorax. Grown-up people in their late ages, obese and the ones who smoke a lot are most prone to the hiatal hernia. While in children, it is congenital and is present since the birth. In infants, it is often linked with the gastroesophageal reflux.

Some other factors related to this hiatal hernia are:

– Permanent Shortening of Esophagus: it may be caused by the inflammation or scarring from tgastric acids.

– Increased stress with in abdomen: It may be caused by heavy weight lifting, regular and harsh coughing, hard sneezing, complications of pregnancy and delivery, vicious vomiting, constipation with blood strains, obesity which results an extra stress on the abdomen, sitting postures.

– Inherited or congenital: It may be hereditary in some cases while some infants are born with it.

– Smoking and some drugs: Smoking is also a prominent cause for hiatal hernia. Cocaine and some other drugs also contribute in the propulsion of the stomach into the thorax.

– Weak Diaphragm: weak diaphragm remains an undisputed cause in the projection of the stomach into the thorax.

Symptoms of Hiatal Hernia:

These symptoms are not easy to identify. These symptoms are often referred to as ‘great mimic’ as they mix with the other symptoms of different disorders. The prominent symptoms include:

– Chest pain
– Heartburning – This is severe while bending or lying
– Difficulty in swallowing
– Shortness of breath
– Heart palpitations

Diagnoses of Hiatal Hernia:

The diagnosis is done through an upper GI series, endoscopy or high resolution menometry.

Treatment of Hiatal Hernia:

Several treatments are given to relieve symptoms and prevent complications. They may include:

– Retuning the stomach substance into the esophagus
– By taking medications that reduce the acid production in the stomach
– By avoiding smoking
– Not lying down right after a meal
– Reducing weight
– Avoid lifting heavy weights

For those individuals who don\’t have any symptoms, they don\’t require any treatment for their hiatal hernia. For others, lifestyle changes and medications will control their symptoms.

Author Bio: Mr.Ernia Iatale – senior writer in www.benesserevillage.it

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hiatal hernia

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