What Happens During an Acupuncture Treatment

If you have any type of health condition that traditional medicine has not been able to help, maybe it is time to investigate alternative medicine. If you find an acupuncturist NY maybe they can help where your regular doctor has not been able to. Although it is been around in China for more than 5,000 years, it was largely considered “fringe” medicine until just recently. Over the last decade, more doctors are making the recommendation to see an acupuncturist and more insurance companies are covering the treatment. Finding acupuncturists NY may be the answer you have been looking for.

Although this type of treatment is becoming much more recognized, there are still quite a few people who are reluctant to give it a try because they are afraid of the needles. They tend to think that when the needles are inserted, it feels like you are getting a dozen different shots, that continue to sting for fifteen minutes. However, that is not what really happens. We will talk about what to expect at your first appointment if you decide to pursue this type of treatment.

Like any kind of a medical treatment, your first appointment will involve a discussion with the person who will be performing the procedure. They will be asking about the types of health problems you have been experiencing as well as the condition of your overall health. They will also conduct a very brief physical exam to identify the places they believe the needles need to be placed. There are twelve systems of energy that acupuncturists are concerned about and each one of those relates to a different organ system in your body. Depending upon their diagnosis, needles will be placed in certain points of your body.

A lot of people are afraid of the needles because they think each one is like getting a shot. However, they do not really hurt. Keep in mind that when you get a shot, the needle has to be large enough to allow the medicine to flow through it. The medicine also has to be injected deeper into your body in order to be effective. Another part of a shot is the fact that the medicine is being forced into your body through the pressure of the syringe.

The needles that are used for acupuncture are very small, only about the size of a human hair. They are placed just below the surface of the skin and do not go very deep. Most people report a feeling of slight pressure as the needle is inserted, but there is no pain involved. There is not a preset treatment for acupuncture. The acupuncturist may feel that you only need a couple of treatments or they may recommend ongoing treatment. Your condition may involve using only a couple of needles at a time, or they could use ten. The length of time is not set in stone either. Acupuncture is all about balancing out the flow of energy in your system. The specifics of the treatment depend upon the condition that you are having treated.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter searched the term acupuncturist NY to find a specialist to treat his medical condition. His wife searched the term acupuncturists NY to find a medical facility in her area.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: acupuncturist NY,acupuncturists NY

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