What is Orthobionomy?

Orthobionomy is a form of corrective massage therapy that focuses in correcting postural imbalances of the body. The therapy is based on the principle that any type of pain are caused by the wrong placement or posture of all the parts of the body. If ever a single part of the body is not in the correct position, the result will be chronic pain conditions.

The therapy was developed in the 1970s by British Osteopath, Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls who was determined to develop a way to promote healing with the help of the body’s inner wisdom. Pauls, due to his knowledge in martial arts developed passive postures that can help in relieving the pain. His theory was that the body should flow with the pain instead of forcing it to treat pain. The connection of the emotion with pain led him to his discovery of the passive movement healing that is similar to myofascial release technique principles.

Dr. Arthus Lincoln Pauls began teaching his therapy method to the public in 1970s after his success with his newly discovered massage therapy. His therapy became famous as a gentle type of massage therapy that has an objective in correcting the body instead of just healing it.

The massage therapy was gladly accepted by the public due to its relaxing effects to the body as well as the wonderful benefits and improvements it gives to the patient. Many individuals who have poor posture and injuries are the common patients in an orthobionomy therapy. The patient can expect benefits including the main objective which is the correction of the overall body posture, increase and improvement in the mobility and flexibility of the moving parts of the body, release of tension in tight muscle areas, improved circulation, soothing of the body, and relief from musculoskeletal problems such as joint pain.

The therapy itself is also used to treat various medical conditions including some common ailments. Although orthobionomy is used for the treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions, it is also used to treat:

– Headaches/Migraines – although the therapy is focused in postural correction, minor conditions such as these are also treated during the therapy session. Due to its relaxing and soothing effects to the body and mind, any type of minor ailments are relieved especially when the gentle hands of the massage therapists begins to conduct their calming strokes and techniques.

– Arthritis – orthobionomy is not limited to muscle pain as it is also used in treating arthritis which is a type of condition where inflammation is affecting the bones especially the joints.

– Sciatica – aside from the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, the therapy can also be used to treat nerve related conditions such as sciatica.

– Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – the therapy works wonders in treating this type of skeletal condition that is quite painful when left untreated.

Regular session of this therapy also improves the immune system of the body along with the improvement of the blood and oxygen circulation within the body. Aside from all the benefits, the mere fact that the mind and body is relaxed helps a lot in achieving a rejuvenating state.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about hot stone massage techniques and hot stone massage products.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage rocks

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