What is Spiritual Healing?

Once dismissed as “Hocus-Pocus” by the scientific community. An overwhelming amount of documented case studies from people turning to spiritual healing for mayor illnesses, forced scientists to study this phenomenon in detail. In general most doctors see that these holistic treatments do hold benefits but recommend them only as a supplement to conventional treatments. There has since been much experimentation carried out by the scientific community. The overall conclusion from research showed is that humans can indeed affect aspects of the body functions of other humans by act of will alone. This includes every tissue, organ and system in the body.

Most plant lovers swear that plants loved by the gardener will always grow stronger and for longer than plants grown without the same attention & patients recovering from heart attacks are more likely to survive if they have a pet as a companion, bringing similar benefits to those offered by meditation. Facts of life like these show that no faith in any religion is required for spiritual healing to work and that it cannot be attributed to a placebo effect as spiritual healing also apply to; babies, young children, animals and plants. The only thing that is needed is a level of openness and trust in the healer/s.

There are numerous practices for different holistic treatments. Two types of these are dedicated exclusively to spiritual healing. There are centres where psychics working from their own surgeries use crystals and meditation to alleviate the illnesses of their patients and there’s what is referred to as faith healing, practiced by groups of initiates in Chakra energy meditation, practising remotely from their own home, temple or church. The tradition of faith healing is an ancient one. Religions like; spiritualism, Christian Agnostics, Buddhism, Shamanism, Paganism, Taoism and others all embrace the practice. The philosophy behind these beliefs is that everything in life is connected to each other and that spiritual healing can be done by tapping into unseen energy forces. This can be accomplished by prayer, psychic tuning in and/or meditation.

The NHS already employ healers to help seriously ill and dying patients. Ruth Kaye for example is a healer at the “Yorkshire Centre for Clinical Oncology” in Leeds, England. She has spent the last 16 years spiritually healing patients in the NHS. Her aim is to reduce conventional medicine prescriptions and help eliminate the side effects of such treatments as chemotherapy. Science is discovering what many civilizations have known and practiced for centauries. Scientists know that factors like pets and music will have a soothing effect on patients and clinical study has found that patients in surgery will recover quicker (compared to the rest of patients on the same ward) with a remote group of people praying or meditating for them. The practice of crystal therapy is also gaining recognition but mainly in the east where holistic treatments involving energies are better understood. Investigations into the paranormal have been scientifically investigated for over 100 years, the research is still ongoing. It would have been dangerous to threaten it’s stability by pursuing the change that was the subject of the question.

Author Bio: Rachel Saxon writes for the metaphysical industry and is a Reiki Master. Highly Recommended Psychic Reading Also Psychic Reading And Psychic Readings

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Keywords: psychics, psychic mediums, mediums, psychic readings, online psychics, psychic, medium reading

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