Which One is a Cubic Zirconia?

If you got the money and you would like to splurge on buying jewelry with real diamonds, then there is nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, if you want Cubic Zirconia for your jewelry, that can be a great choice too. The disaster comes in if you pay for the price of diamond but end up getting Cubic Zirconia.

Cubic Zirconia can successfully mimic the properties of diamonds. For ordinary people who do not really know he exact differences between diamonds and Cubic Zirconia, it is easy to get confused which one is which. There is really nothing wrong with Cubic Zirconia. It is actually a good choice of rock for rings, earrings and other jewelries. Just do not pay a big amount like how you would with diamonds because Cubic Zirconia costs much less.

Identifying which rock is Cubic Zirconia and which one is a genuine diamond may be quite tricky. Even trained gemologist would also find it quite difficult to determine just by looking at it with the naked eye. Specific properties of the rock have to be tested so that Cubic Zirconia may be determined.

To be able to accurately distinguish if a rock is diamond or Cubic Zirconia, it is necessary to use a microscope, loupe and other tests. It will give exact value and properties of the rock being tested.

When it comes to hardness, Cubic Zirconia does not fall far from diamond. In Mohs scale, diamond is rated as 10. It is considered as the hardest of all stones. Cubic Zirconia on the other hand is somewhere between 8.5 and 9. Doing the scratch test will not exactly determine which is a diamond and which one is Cubic Zirconia because glass only has hardness value of 5 to 6. So, both can be used to scratch glass without chipping or breaking.

One significant difference of Cubic Zirconia is that it weighs 1.75 times more than diamond that has the same size. People who know how to appraise jewelries are more familiar with the standard weight, depending on the size.

Interestingly, even if diamonds cost more, the Cubic Zirconia has fewer impurities. That is because Cubic Zirconia is man made and diamonds are created by nature’s process. The technology in creating Cubic Zirconia has already improved a lot in the past decade. That is why manufacturers can come up with the ones that are almost flawless.

Cubic Zirconia can also be made colorless. It appears clearer. Diamonds which are practically colorless can be ultimately expensive. Usually, there is a hint of yellow or brown in diamonds. Cubic Zirconia that is almost as spotless as the color D diamond costs far more affordable.

Cubic Zirconia can really be a great substitute for diamonds. It has the same brilliance when worn but its price is almost one-fourth or one-fifth compared to diamond. If you want to look fabulous without paying for an overwhelming price, go for Cubic Zirconia jewelries. It is time to be practical but at the same time, you do not have to stop looking elegant and chic.

Author Bio: For more information on Cubic Zirconia and Cubic Zirconia Engagement Rings, visit Almost Diamonds at http://www.almostdiamonds.com

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: cubic zirconia, cubic zirconia engagement rings

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