Whole Food Supplements – ‘All Natural’ May Not Mean What You Think it Does

When getting on a nutritional plan to improve your health and vitality it\’s crucial to consume the right things and stay away from the wrong things. Unfortunately, many people have a skewed idea of what the good and bad things really are. They assume that taking vitamin supplements is going to be a cure all for bad nutrition. Unfortunately, unless the product you\’re taking is a true whole food supplement, your vitamin and mineral supplements may be worse for you than you think.

The problem with these types of supplements is they are giving you a false version of what your body really needs. The nature of the word synthetic gives you some real clues about the supplements you are using. Synthetic vitamins are simply not the real thing.

They may be called vitamins and they may even be derived from sources that sound healthy and nourishing, but in the end they are imitators trying to infiltrate your body. Your body recognizes them for what they are and rebels in response to their presence. The end result of taking these synthetic vitamins is a body that is in disarray and ill equipped to maintain optimum levels of health.

Super-Heating vs. Freeze-Dried

For a supplement to be good for you, the vitamins have to be acquired in the right way. Typical synthetic processing involves super-heating of the ingredients to produce the raw material for the vitamins. In actuality, for a supplement to be a true whole food supplement, the process should be quite the opposite.

The best way to get these nutrients should be via a freeze-dried method, not through the super heating processes that are commonly used by most supplement manufacturers. Trust me, your body recognizes the difference and will not react well to these products.

While the types of vitamin and supplements discussed so far are not completely synthetic in nature, the very process used to isolate and extract these nutrients still ends up with the same net effect. The final product is not what your body needs to enjoy the best health possible.

For example, ascorbic acid is popularly sold under the label Vitamin C. This isolated version of Vitamin C, created in laboratories is not going to give your body any healing or restorative benefits, like natural Vitamin C does. Ascorbic acid is so isolated that it doesn\’t have any of the nearly 300 naturally occurring co-factors that it needs to really be effective.

Isolated, Compromised and Dangerous Imitations

Synthetic vitamins and supplements are pretenders. They are isolated laboratory imitations of what nature intends for us to consume. In nature vitamins and minerals work in synergistic relationships. They rely on other nutrients and vitamins & minerals that are naturally found together in whole foods.

In the lab, these nutrients are made in such a way that the synergistic action of these vitamins is never allowed to take place. You will derive no benefit from these types of products, so do yourself a favor and stop taking them. Replace any supplement you are currently taking with a real whole food supplement alternative.

For example, instead of taking a Vitamin C pill you are much better of consuming pure camu-camu fruit powder. It is not only rich in Vitamin C but also contains all active and beneficial phytochemicals necessary for your body to make best use of Vitamin C.

Remember your body needs vitamins, but it needs them in their NATURAL form with all naturally occurring co-factors, not a counterfeit, laboratory produced compromised imitation. Ultimately these synthetic supplements will kill you.

Copyright 2011. Boro Petric. All rights reserved.

Source: http://www.longevitystrategist.com/whole-food-supplement/

Author Bio: Boro Petric is a highly-acclaimed, Swiss-born Longevity Strategist. He is a pioneer in bridging the body, mind, and Consciousness together through a powerful connection known as Super Health.

Meet Boro at LongevityStrategist.com and download the One FREE ebook that could unlock your supernatural immunity-boosting and healing powers!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: whole food supplement, synthetic supplements, vitamin supplements

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