Why is Keeping the Alkalinity Level Balanced Important?

Pool water consists of many vital components responsible in managing the condition and quality of the water in order to avoid and prevent unnecessary problems in the swimming pool. One of these components is the alkalinity in the pool water which greatly affects the pH of the water. This element acts as a buffer which allows the pH level rapidly changing from its safe zone to a too low or too high level.

The total alkalinity in the pool water should be around 80 to 120 for the water to be in its best and healthiest condition that is suitable for swimming. Outside this safe range, the water tends to become destructive and unmanageable if action is not done quickly. For this reason, it is important and beneficial to keep it at the normal level at all times although balancing can be stressful and quite difficult especially for new pool owners.

Low Level of Alkalinity in Pool Water:
Below the appropriate level, the water will become aggressive by changing into corrosive water which can and will destroy anything it gets in contact with starting with the pool surface, grout, and plaster. Aside from the damage it deals to the pool and the facilities surrounding it, the bathers’ medical condition can also be greatly affected from mild burning sensation in the eyes to serious problems such as cancer. Green water is also a common water problem when the alkalinity dives down from its necessary parameters.

In order to correct this problem, sodium bicarbonate is added into the pool water. The process should be done slowly as the raise in the level of alkalinity will also trigger changes in the pH level of the water. The ratio in the amount of this chemical increaser is 1 kilogram per 50,000 gallons of water. Make sure that you follow the instructions properly and have calculated the right amount of this product before you throw it into the pool water.

High Level of Alkalinity in Pool Water:
Greater problems arise as the level of alkalinity in the pool water exceeds the maximum suitable limit of 120 ppm. Higher level of this element is more difficult to resolve than when having low alkalinity level in the water. One of the major setbacks in dealing with this problem is that the pH level tends to be much difficult to control and set in its right track. Cloudy water is the result of the poor effectiveness of chlorine in disinfecting and keeping the water in its prime condition.

The method used in lowering the alkalinity level is by gradually adjusting its current amount with the use of hydrochloric acid until it reaches the right range. Focus on bringing the pH level down to 7.0 by adding acid before you adjust the alkalinity level and let the water sit until it reaches 7.2. Sometimes it will take several hours or even a day before the pH level goes down and climbs back up to your desired level. Patience is your asset when managing the proper level of the two elements. Repeat the whole process until you get the desired level into the safe or normal zone.

Author Bio: I write for Pool Prodigy about salt water pool maintenance and how to maintain a pool.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: pool water,alkalinity level,ph level,pool water exceeds,desired level,high level, pool water

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