Why is the Flooring Important For Clean Rooms?

There are many reasons why you might need to establish a clean room. Clean rooms are necessity for many manufacturing processes, forensic labs and for many other purposes. The most difficult part about establishing and maintaining a clean room is tracking in contaminants from other flooring. Tracking in dirt from people’s feet and other pieces of equipment such as carts is a main source of contamination. For many years, Dycem has been the number one manufacturer of clean room flooring. However, Dycem floors are only so effective in controlling microbes and controlling the entrainment of particulates into the air. Now, a company has developed a revolutionary new type of matting for clean rooms.

Duratack is the latest in solutions for clean room flooring that is washable, permanent, and regenerating. In side-by-side tests against Dycem, Duratack performed better in terms of cost effectiveness and performance. Duratack promises to beat any Dycem quotes and offers clean room flooring that provides better performance and durability over the long term.

Clean room flooring is one of the most important elements of clean room design. A lot of effort goes into the design of clean room equipment. However, all of this effort is wasted if the flooring does not provide entrapment of fine particles. Duratack Mats provide wall to wall covering rather than just covering a small area of the floor. This is essential particularly when one considers particulates that could circulate in the air. People and carts may be on the mats, but if that mat that does not do its job and trap 100% of the particulates and then these small micro-fine pieces of contamination become airborne and can land on uncovered parts of the floor. If this happens, then you clean room really is not a clean. If the flooring underneath the mat or the flooring that is around the edges of them has particulates on it, then the entire clean room can easily become contaminated.

What is worse is that these particles can build up on non-covered portions of the floor. When anyone walks by, they can be stirred up and can move anywhere throughout clean room and land on any surface. The smaller the particle, the longer they can stay in the air and the further they can travel. This is why it is so important to have wall to wall clean room flooring, rather than just a mat the covers a small area. Having a mat to walk on does not ensure that the clean room is really clean. A mat that only covers a small area can be a source of contamination that can result in a problem that goes beyond the flooring.

If a problem as detected in a clean room, the most common culprits are the air handling system or the flooring. Duratack mats beat Dycem mats in almost every category. Duratack mats come in a number of sizes. They can be used for applications from light to heavy industrial work and retain their shape and microbe entrapping qualities throughout their life. Proper clean room flooring is the key to having a clean room that is really clean.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter has been researching clean room flooring and firms that provide it in order to write an article on the subject. He searched the term Dycem to learn more about the product.

Category: Business
Keywords: clean room flooring,Dycem

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