4 Things Students Should Be Aware of This Summer

Now that the summer vacation months that are awaited eagerly from year to year have arrived, students need to be aware of how to stay healthy during summer. Students surely don’t want to get sick and let such sickness ruin any summer vacations and holiday parties. They can’t even afford to spend one day in such a state. Thus, a student should be aware of the particular points below to avoid allowing some popular sicknesses get in the way and potentially ruining major portions of summer vacation as much as possible.

– For Hay Fever sufferers: This is a very annoying condition which will make a person feel uncomfortable, especially with continuous sneezing when with others. This is also characterized by a runny nose. If a person is allergic to pollen, which is high between May and July, he or she should try to avoid being outside too much during this time of year, especially in places where there are many flowers. When driving, it is ideal to keep windows closed and, if possible, use air conditioning.

– Sun: The sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause a lot of damage to the skin. Constant or pro-longed skin exposure to the sun will not only burn the skin and cause pain, it can also lead to skin cancer which is much more common nowadays. Using a sun protection lotion greater than SPF 15 is ideal but students need to make sure to re-apply every hour or 2 if they are in the sun for a long time. They should re-apply it, too, every time after swimming, and try to avoid peak hours in the sun and cover up as much as possible. Students should remember that when a person is in the water for a long time, the cooling effect the water creates can make a person forget about being constantly being exposed to the sun. Hence, people need to avoid getting burned as this is very bad for the skin and will also cause a lot of discomfort for subsequent days.

– Otitis Externa: This is an ear infection or inflammation specifically in the ear canal. This can be caused by a pro-longed exposure to water, swimming in polluted beaches or fungal infections in the ear, amongst the various causes. These are usually the most popular causes in summer. Some symptoms include buzzing in the ear and hearing loss. To prevent this, students should make sure to dry the ear thoroughly after swimming or wetting the ear, and should never swim in a polluted area. If they happen to catch this infection, there are ear drops that can ease the itching & irritation.

– Diarrhea: Let’s face it, if students are traveling around this summer vacation, sometimes this can cause some unbalance in the digestive tract, causing diarrhea. People can never be safe enough as any person can catch some viruses even if staying in a 5-star hotel. To reduce the risk, travelers should try to avoid adding ice cubes to drinks, always washing hands for 20 seconds before eating to make sure to get rid of any bacteria, and also to make sure to avoid fresh fruit if it is served readily-peeled.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our Bloodborne Pathogen Training and First Aid Training websites.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: swimming,inflammation,infection,sneezing,stay healthy ,summer vacation

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