5 Green Benefits of Underfloor Heating

Have you ever considered underfloor heating? When most people need to replace their indoor heating systems, they think immediately of radiators, boilers and fireplaces. These obviously all have their place and are very useful, but actually, they aren’t always particularly green. In a world where we need to be increasingly careful about the energy we use and energy costs everywhere are rising, it makes sense to choose an eco-friendly heating system. Underfloor, or UF heating, is a good option here. Read on to find out more about 5 green benefits of underfloor heating.

Energy Savings
One of the main benefits of underfloor heating is that it produces substantial energy savings. Not only is this good as it means your heating system will be much more efficient, but it is also good for the planet as it uses less energy overall. If you do decide to have an UF heating system, you can expect to save around 30% on the amount of energy you use and, if you go for air source heat pumps as well, you could save even more.

The system works by pumping water around at a constant temperature. This temperature is somewhere between 40 and 50 degrees, which is enough to heat the space but is still relatively low. This then helps to keep your energy consumption to a minimum.

Even heating
As suggested above, underfloor heating systems are extremely efficient at heating the space they are responsible for. This is because they provide a constant, even heat from under the floor. By contrast, if you heat a room using a radiator or a fire, you will find that the area around it will be very warm but then room will then get progressively colder the further away from it you are. This means that these devices don’t distribute heat as efficiently, which leads to greater amounts of waste – and more shivering from you. UF heating helps to combat this problem.

Control over heat
You also get much more control over your heating system if you choose to have underfloor heating. This is because the system is controlled by individual room thermostats, in contrast to a lot of heating systems that are operated from a central location. This makes it much easier for you to conserve energy as you can lower the heat settings while you are out of the room and only have them up as high as you really need to while you’re in the room, making your energy use much more practical.

Cleaner environment
If you heat your room using radiators, this creates a large amount of air movement and moisture. This then leads to dust mites, which can cause problems for people with allergies or breathing difficulties. Underfloor heating does not cause these issues, which means that your environment will be cleaner and this is good for everyone, as well as being useful for the planet.

Goes well with other measures
You can also combine your underfloor heating system with other eco-friendly measures so you can have as big a green impact as possible. For instance, if you are making your heating more efficient then it also makes sense to ensure your house is well-insulated so even less energy is wasted and that you have double-glazed windows to prevent the heat from escaping.

All of this is great when it comes to minimising the amount of energy you use and, therefore, helping to protect the planet. Overall, UF heating is a great green tool and not only that, but if you reduce your energy use you’ll also save money on your bills – so it has all sorts of benefits that are definitely worth exploring.

Author Bio: Forde Group supplied this article about underfloor heating and recommends you visit www.forde-group.co.uk for more information.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: underfloor heating, yorkshire, under floor heating, floor heating

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