About Industrial Ventilation Fans and Employee Health and Safety

Industrial ventilation fans can serve many useful, or even necessary purposes in a variety of applications. They help maintain product quality, increase production efficiency, reduce production costs, and protect equipment investments from unnecessary wear. Perhaps most importantly they help protect worker health and safety.

Dust extraction equipment is in use in fiberglass fabrication, food processing, mining, woodworking, paper, rubber grinding, welding, and laser and plasma cutting industries. It is useful for the recollection of valuable powder and bulk solids for reuse in solar cell fabrication and pharmaceutical production, and in processes like blasting.

Dust extraction systems and fume extraction arms help to satisfy the extreme filtration requirements of clean rooms in electronics and computer chip manufacturing facilities. These prevent excessive rework of defective product. They also serve to protect machinery from excessive and unnecessary abrasion or corrosion by removing particles and chemicals from the air.

These systems help prevent production delays by controlling the amount of cleaning needed in the work area. When these particulates and chemicals are removed from the air they will no longer settle on work surfaces. Modern factory equipment utilizing computers is sensitive to impurities in the environment, and will cease functioning when exposed to them.

More importantly, local exhaust ventilation is necessary in many processes like electroplating, etching and chemical production to suppress toxins and contaminants which are hazardous to the health of humans working in the area. Industry standards are set by organizations like the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Regulatory rules for exposure and emission are propagated by agencies such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Adequate ventilation can eliminate the need for more costly equipment like personal respirators. This type of equipment can be cumbersome and may interfere with efficient work. Compliance with company or regulatory rules mandating the use of it is often difficult to monitor and enforce.

Periodically collecting samples for testing will ensure that standards are being met and employees\’ health is being protected and they are receiving the respect that will help retain the most proficient and capable workers. A bench test will identify and quantify the physical properties of the indoor air. In this way safe levels of exposure can be maintained.

Inert but otherwise unpleasant substances can also be monitored. These can also be tested for explosivity. Combustible particles or chemicals in the air in sufficient densities can ignite rapidly. During the period 1980 to 2008 there were more than 350 such incidents in the United States, in which 133 people were killed and hundreds were injured.

The simple and relatively inexpensive precaution of installing adequate industrial ventilation fans specifically designed and tested for the their intended use can save considerable costs in shutdown avoidance, improved production quality, decreased equipment maintenance, and avoiding fines and liabilities. They can also save the health and extend the lives of the employees that are needed on the job to make the business successful. Workers Compensation expenses, litigation costs, judgements, and punitive awards in suits for negligence or willful injury can run into millions of dollars.

Author Bio: Local Industrial ventilation fans and Dust extraction systems are a perfect solution as employee exposure to contaminants are minimized.

Category: Finances
Keywords: industrial,ventilation,management,health,systems,exhaust,economy,finance,welding,internet,home

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