Bathroom Toilets That Conserve Resources

There is plenty of discussion today surrounding the use of low flow bathroom toilets. Many homeowners and builders want to use models that conserve natural resources. Some models work better than others and low volume models may lose their efficiency over time.

Historically the early models used over 7 gallons of water. Over time this amount was cut in half. In 1995 it was mandated that all new models use no more than 1.6 gallons. The mandate is supposed to produce savings in water usage. However, over time the new models may not be as efficient as they are supposed to be.

Leaking valves that let more water into the tank are common in low volume models. Even if the tank holds less water over time it may used more than the prescribed amount. Many low flow models do not gather enough pressure for a complete flush the first time. Homeowners find they may need to flush multiple times. When this happens bathroom toilets designed as low flow models use just as much water, if not more, than traditional models.

Aside from using less water, the newer models installed in a home can give the bathroom an updated look. There are some models with tanks mounted higher on the wall. The gravity is used to help remove the contents from the bowl more efficiently. A larger hole in the tank and a smoother finish in the bottom of the bowl also help it dispel contents efficiently.

Some models use a button that is pushed once for liquid waste and twice for solid waste. This is efficient and lets the user decide how much water is needed. For those concerned with the cost of water and sewer, low flow toilets and energy saving fixtures can save a homeowner hundreds of dollars each year. Bathroom toilets that look good and are efficient may be a good value to those who are remodeling a bath.

Some people do not like the newer low flow models and will seek out older models from renovations or from salvage yards. Many older homes are seen with the more traditional toilets in use. However, they are no longer manufacturer in the U.S.

The cost of adding a new toilet may not be an issue for those who want a new look. However, those who simply want to consider the savings of a new model must think about the cost of a new product and how long it will take to recoup their investment. The average cost of a new model will range from $200 to $300. So it can take three to four years to recoup the cost, if the homeowner saves around $75 a year in water and sewer costs.

Those who do not want to make the investment in new bathroom toilets can used filler bags or plastic containers in the tank, to displace the water level and use less. In some cases the homeowner can can the use of a 3 gallon model in half, making it as efficient as a new model. Adjustable filler valves also allow for adjustments in water level, which can help reduce the amount of water used.

Author Bio: Article provided by the latest addition to the Unique Online Furniture team, Heather Mitchell. For beautiful bathroom vanities and other fixtures, please visit us online!

Category: Home Management
Keywords: water conservation, low flow toilets

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