Benefits of Early Morning Exercise

There are no two ways about it. Morning is undoubtedly the best time of the day. It is the time of the day when you are full of energy and hope for a joyous day. You cannot stop planning your day and everything seems right in the morning. Then how to utilize your excellent energy levels in the morning? The answer to the question is exercise.

Recommended Early Morning Exercise

Jogging – It is the best excuse for the much wanted solitude in your busy life. Play some foot tapping music on your i-pod, take in the fresh morning air and hit the track. Good old jogging will always do the trick.

Yoga – If you are a stay-at-home person, yoga is the best option for you. Slow, stretching movements and breathing exercises are to be combined for an energetic morning.

Walking – Brisk walk is an exercise that suits all age groups and persons. Just be sure to deep breathe while you walk.

What are the Benefits of Morning exercise?


Exercising in the morning is makes your body feels more energetic and active all throughout the day. Scientists say that even long after you have exercised; your body will continue to burn extra calories. This is because exercising increases your rate of metabolism. Make sure you have a guilt free, healthy breakfast after your workout. A popular belief is that a healthy and well exercised body will digest anything eaten in the morning.

Reduced Stress

After your exercise session, you are sure to feel relaxed. You can owe this lightness to a feeling of accomplishment. The more obstacles you conquer during workout, your stress will reduce. It is the much needed boost you need for the day. Not to mention, outdoor fitness activities are a great way to feel positive about you.

Best time of the day

There is no doubt that morning is the best the time of the day. Early morning means less traffic, less pollution, fewer people on the road. If you prefer exercising alone or quietly, morning is the best time of the day for outdoor fitness activities

Time Saving

Generally, morning is the only time of the day when you can take out some time for yourself. And after a busy day at the office, exercise is the last thing you want in life. Once you have hit the gym in the morning, you can simply come back home to a cozy bed. And the lazy ones needn’t worry about the mandatory shower after a workout session.

Improved Sleep Pattern

When Benjamin Franklin said ‘Early to bed, early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy and wise’, he unwittingly coined the proud motto of every early riser! Another benefit of rising early is that it will make you want to go to bed early. In this fashion, your body clock will adjust itself to a healthier sleep pattern.

You have every reason to believe in what Benjamin Franklin famously said. So, just change your alarm clock setting and welcome the sun with a smile on your face.

If you want to book a session with a Personal Trainer Oatley or to sign up for a free session at one of the popular bootcamps, visit Bootcamp Sydney.

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Author Bio: If you want to book a session with a Personal Trainer Oatley or to sign up for a free session at one of the popular bootcamps, visit Bootcamp Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Personal Trainer Oatley

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