Cold Sore Home Remedies You Can Use Right Now

Cold sores are very irritating and one just wishes that they just go away as soon as possible. The problem is that a cold sore does not go away just because you want them too. Guess this stands true for anything that you want to get rid of as soon as possible.

Another sad truth about cold sores is that they do not have any treatment that is 100% effective. Generally what people will advise you is to give time to them and they will go away. Others, however, will tell you to take precautionary measures. No one will tell you about the treatment as there is not any formal treatment available.

However, there is no need to be depressed by this news. The silver lining here is that there are a few cold sore home remedies that are readily available. These treatments can be done by simply using the ingredients that are available in one’s home. Another benefit of using these remedies is that they show their effect within twenty four hours, making sure that the individual does not have to carry the ugly and painful cold sore with them.

One of the most used and recommended cold sore home remedies is ice. The method is to place an ice cube on the cold sore and keep it there until the entire cube melts on it. This process is going to be a bit painful but it is going to be worth it. This is because you will lose the cold sore by the next morning. Once the ice cube has melted, the next step is to wipe the area dry with a fresh towel.

After drying the area, take a cotton swab and dip it in alcohol. Then rub this alcohol drenched cotton swab on the cold sore. This too is not going to be a comfortable step and you will feel the irritation and a slight pain. However, as mentioned earlier it is worth it as for example if you are doing this at night, your cold sore will be gone by the morning and you can go to you work place in style.

One another very effective cold sore home remedies are the use of the Lysine. It is quite easily available from any nearby drug store and is one of the over the counter prescriptions. All you have to do is simply apply Lysine on the area of the cold sore at least three times a day. Each time you apply is make sure that you have washed you face or the area where you have the cold sore and dry is with a fresh towel.

In a very short time the cold sore will be gone. If you start using this treatment at the onset of the cold sore, when you have just started to feel it coming, the benefit will be that it will not develop into a full grown cold sore in the first place. This turns out to be a blessing in itself.

Author Bio: For another great article on cold sore remedies check out: Cold Sore Remedies That Could Be Toxic To You

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: cold sore remedies, cold sore home remedies

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