CRP Levels Indicator of Disease Risk

Ever since a Time Magazine article showed that researchers have made a link between chronic inflammation and a host of other serious illness and disease, the popularity of any product touted to reduce inflammation has skyrocketed.

Nopalea Juice, made from the Prickly Pear Cactus (a known anti-inflammatory food), has soared in popularity. People from around the world now swear by the juice and its ability to rid the body of aches and pains and other ailments.

In addition, an overall increased feeling of well-being has been a surprise bonus of starting a daily regimen involving the juice.

The Time cover story showed that while inflammation is the body’s super immune system response to attack, sometimes that mechanism goes haywire. At times, even after the inflammation has served its purpose, it does not shut off and essentially begins to attack the body. This may be the cause of serious illness and disease.

A recent article in Oprah’s magazine talked about how the test to gauge your CRP level could end up saving your life.

CRP, which stands for C-reactive protein, shows the level of inflammation inside your body.

According to a doctor cited in the article, chronic inflammation can possibly cause real damage to otherwise healthy body tissue.

Dr. Mark Liponis said in the article that the chronic inflammation can trigger an avalanche of chemicals and other results that can actually cause blood clots and contribute to plague build up in the arteries.

The American Heart Association now says that those with high CRP levels are two times as likely to have heart attacks than people with low CRP levels, according to the article.

This makes knowing your CRP level possibly the best indicator of your risk for cardiac arrest, even more than whether you have high cholesterol, smoke, high blood pressure or even a history of heart attacks, the article states.

Testing for CRP is a new development, so it isn’t always offered at routine physical exams and checkups. However, it is done through a simple blood test, the article says.

Along with showing your risk of heart attack, your CRP level is also a good indication of whether you are at risk for other serious disease and illness.

High CRP levels also are linked to serious diseases such as stroke, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, colon cancer, and arthritis, the article said.

There are a few signs that you could have a high CRP level, according to the magazine:

1. Overweight. It is thought that fat cells might lead to CRP production.

2. Frequent Infections. This chronic inflammatory response to germs and invaders can elevate your CRP level.

3. High-Carb Diet. A Harvard study showed that people who consume refined carbs had higher CRP levels.

4. Flossing. Whether you floss or not can make a difference. Bacteria between the teeth that infects gums sends bacteria into the bloodstream and can cause inflammation, says the article.

5. Not enough sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep, CRP levels are raised.

6. Birth-control pill. Hormones can trigger the liver to make CRP.

7. Allergies. Any type of chronic allergy can trigger an inflammatory response.

Author Bio: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about Antioxidant Supplements for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including Leg Pain. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Antioxidant supplements, swollen legs, anti inflammatory diet, joint inflammation, TriVita

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