Davidoff Maduro Robusto Cigar Review
Cigar: Davidoff Maduro Robusto Origin: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Cuban Seed Strength: Medium
Binder: San Vincent Filler: Dominican Republic
When Davidoff released Davidoff Maduro Robusto in 2008, it came as a bit of a surprise to the cigar industry. Davidoff has been well known for their mild to medium cigars that have been hailed for their complexity and balance. Maduro wrappers can pose quite a challenge for this formula. That coupled with the fact that Davidoff’s master blender Henke Kelner is not a fan of Maduro cigars made it even that much more surprising. Even so, this cigar was a highly anticipated launch for their valued merchants and their many customers. Davidoff Maduro Robusto is the first Maduro to be released by his company and is only available in one of the most popular formats, and that is “robusto”.
This cigar has a 5″ x 52 ring gage. It has a sun grown Nicaraguan Cuban Seed “natural maduro” wrapper, Dominican long fillers, and San Vincent Binder. It appears to the eye to be more like a sun grown cigar than a true Maduro. Davidoff’s luxury brands are known throughout the world for their high class and fine quality. And this cigar itself, represents just that in its appearance alone. The roll is classic Davidoff, great with minimal veins, a gorgeous cap, and a double band.
The scent off the wrapper is earthy with light notes of hay, and the aroma coming off the foot has been described as a sambuca, with cocoa and vanilla bean. The pre-light draw is in the style of sambuca as well, with a few hints of toast.
At first light, classic Davidoff flavors appear with a good balance of cedar and coffee. New sweet flavors coming from the maduro leaf are also evident, such as notes of sambuca/licorice. Charred oak, banana peel and even a little bit of saffron have been reported as well by some sophisticated palates. There are also flavors of spicy leather and a touch of toast. These flavors are very well rounded without any sharp edges in the sinus. Throughout the rest of the smoke, the flavors do not vary that much, but do get a little bit creamier. The predominant profile of this smoke is very earthy, with leather and creamy cappuccino, but it is the complexities of the flavor combinations that make smoking this Davidoff Maduro R so interesting and enjoyable.
Although the burn is a bit uneven, it corrects itself fairly quickly, posing no real problems. The draw is predictably easy and light, and the ash is firm and sturdy.
To fully enjoy the nuances and balance of all the rich flavors, it is recommended that you smoke this stick slowly. If you take your time with it, it will not become bitter.
This is not an overpowering, sweet, one-dimensional smoke like most maduro critics may think. If you like the Millennium Blend, which is another full-flavored Davidoff, then you, will enjoy the Davidoff Maduro R as well. If you are like many folks that enjoy cigar smoking and you are in the mood for a full flavored cigar this stick will not disappoint.
Author Bio: Want to try a Davidoff Maduro Robusto Cigar for yourself, as well as other brands of cigars like Davidoff cigars and Ashton Cigars visit our online cigar store.
Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: rocky patel cigars, rp renaissance cigars