Dennis Waitley-an Objective Review

You might be asking yourself who is Dennis Waitley? From the locker rooms of some of the world\’s most popular athletes to the boardrooms of fortune 500 corporations, from the control rooms of the National Aeronautics And Space Administration (NASA) to the meeting rooms of MLM Network Marketers conventions, Dennis Waitley has been inspiring, challenging, entertaining and informing audiences around the world for over 25 years.

The Sales and Marketing Executives Association of America recently named him the business speaker of the year. Toastmasters International also did the same, and he has just been inducted into the International Speakers\’ Hall Of Fame.

With over 10 million audio programs now selling in more than ten languages, such accolades can hardly be an exaggeration. And in case you didn\’t know, Dennis is the author of such best- sellers as \”The Winners\’ Edge\” \”Seeds Of Greatness,\” \”Being the Best,\” \”Empires of the Mind \”The Joy of Working,\” and at least 12 other non-fiction books.

His audio album, \”The Psychology of Winning\” is presently the best-selling product on self-mastery. It is no wonder that Dennis Waitley is today one of the world\’s most sought-after public, motivational, and inspirational speakers.

Dennis Waitley is a former navy pilot, having graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. He also holds a doctorate degree in human psychology. He has counseled winners in nearly every field-Apollo astronauts, super bowl champions, sales champions, leaders in government, etc.

In the past ten years, he has served as the Chairman of Psychology for the U. S. Olympic Committee\’s Sports Medicine Council, where he was responsible for performance enhancement of all U. S. Olympic athletes. Waitley is a founding director of the National Council on Self-Esteem as well as the President\’s Council on Vocational Education.

Only recently, he received the \”Youth Flame Award\” from the National Council on Youth Leadership in recognition of his exceptional contributions to high school youth leadership.

What else do we need to know about this motivator and achiever? Perhaps a better question ought to be: what things can we learn from Dennis Waitley? And there are many things that his life teaches us.

Among them is the fact that success in any activity has as much to do with the inner person as with external factors. It is not for nothing that whether counseling athletes or business leaders or high schools students, Dr. Waitley lays much emphasis on a person\’s state of mind.

For, when this is properly attuned towards the job or goal at hand, all other things seem to fall into place. Conversely, when the mind is not primed for the task at hand, then even the best of external circumstances will count for a little.

Study after study has proven the fact that most battles are often, won and lost first in the sub-conscious mind. Self-belief, self-esteem, positive affirmation, a good measure of self-confidence, as well as the belief that one is worthy and capable of good performance have all been identified as factors that give individuals that little edge that makes all the difference. Failure to apply these principles has made failures of potential champions.

Dr. Dennis Waitley has spent the past quarter of a century helping individuals to understand and incorporate these principles in all that they do. The large audience he has continued to attract is proof that this approach to life does work.

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Category: Business
Keywords: dennis waitley,jim rohn,personal growth,mm success,financial success,self esteem

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