Effectiveness Of Our Remembrance In Relation To The Amount Of Attention We Pay To Our Activities

Storing Information Into Long-Term Memory.

Commonly we don’t pay much attention to how we store important information into our long-term memory.

However, if we really want to remember something we possibly do pay attention to that.

This means, we have a choice on how we work with our memory. It means also that we actually know that it takes some time to store the things we want to remember into our long-term memory.

We can also conclude that we know that the effectiveness of our remembrance increases with the amount of attention we pay to our activities in storing the information.

So, being conscious of this, you can improve your memory as well as any other person. Just by a slight change in your behavior.

Changing My Behavior. Easy or Not?

Like changing all kinds of habits, you have to pay attention to that. Being conscious of what to change and practicing that, it becomes to be your normal behavior. This takes some time.

Four Steps in Changing.

We can distinguish four steps in changing our habits or our behavior:

– Unconsciously Incompetent.

We behave just as we are used to. Then something happens where that behavior is not effective anymore. At that moment we become:

– Conscious Incompetent.

We are aware of our incompetence. Now we want to change something. We look for advices and possibly find exercises. At the stage of practice we are:

– Consciously Competent.

We still have to consciously practice our new behaviors in those situations where we want changes to take place. After a while we become:

– Unconsciously Competent.

We discover that we have behaved differently without being so consciously busy with that. Now we have fully implemented the new behavior.

Take it Easy.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Change in behavior always take place in steps. Occasionally there is a relapse. Do not condemn yourself, but give yourself the opportunity to have learned something of it and to do better next time.

Always pay attention to the positive results and encourage yourself to take the next steps.

Look For Your Own Ways.

For the one person is reading out loud a good way to store new information. Don’t bother about what other people will say. Just follow your own best way on improving your memory.

Another one just has good results in reading articles over and over again.

Most people know what works best for them. So just practice those things more than you were used to.

Your Memory Under Stress.

Anxiety or anger and in a more severe level stress has a bad influence on your brain.

Your brain can really be injured.

Depressed people have commonly problems with concentrating. This leads sometimes to a mistaken diagnosis like memory problems. The memory problems here are the symptoms and depression is the cause. We have to take this very serious, because the brain really can be hurt. A proper treatment however should be concerning the depression.

Brain Fuel.

The brain needs a constant intake of oxygen and nutrients from the bloodstream in order to function well. By exercising regularly, you improve not only your physical condition but also that of your brain. Your blood becomes higher in oxygen and that is very beneficial to your brain.

So if you’re not exercising on a regular basis, you should change your behavior on that!

You Will Have a Better Memory and Improve Your Whole Life.

By teaching yourself to be more conscious in your daily habits and so changing your behavior you will discover your whole life to improve, giving you lots of happiness.

John MacRaay has developed himself an expertise on memory improvement. For more great tips on Improve Memory Through Behavior, or visit BestMemoryImprovement.com.

John MacRaay has developed himself an expertise on memory improvement. For more great tips go to http://www.bestmemoryimprovement.com/how-to-improve-your-memory-by-changing-your-behavior/. Homepage: http://www.bestmemoryimprovement.com.

Author Bio: John MacRaay has developed himself an expertise on memory improvement. For more great tips on Improve Memory Through Behavior, or visit BestMemoryImprovement.com.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: how do you improve memory, improve your memory,long-term memory, memory problems, better memory

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