Erectile Dysfunction Remedies – An Overview

When it comes to treating male sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction, there are plenty of erectile dysfunction remedies to be found close at hand. However, choosing the right one for you is the key. Not each and every treatment would suit you and if opted for without much knowledge you may end up harming yourself in more ways than one. So it is always better to seek help with your erection problems and go for expert guidance, just to be on the safe side.

So what are the most potent remedies available for the disease? Well, to answer that, let’s look into the list of remedies below to get a better idea of the most popular treatments for the disease.

Medical remedies:

Medical remedies are the most common and conventional forms of erectile dysfunction treatments that have proven to be the most effective means to cure the disease. Medical erectile dysfunction remedies give you a wide range of treatment options to pick from.

Oral drugs:

Oral drugs mainly constitute testosterone pills or androgens and PDE5 inhibitors. These drugs mostly function as sexual stimulators. Androgens or testosterone pills mainly work by stimulating the growth of the testosterone hormone, which is the most significant male sexual hormone. The hormone then activates the brain and the nervous system for sexual arousal. On the other hand, PDE5 inhibitors mainly focus on stimulating the production of nitric oxides in to the body, which acts as vasodilators and improves blood circulation to the sexual organ to produce an erection.


Pellets work through insertion of the drug alprostadil directly into the urethra. With the help of a system named Muse, which comes with a prefilled applicator of the drug, the drug is inserted into the urethra, and after a while a patient can achieve an erection.


As far as erectile dysfunction remedies are concerned, there are also injections. The most common type of injection used by patients is a mixture of alprostadil, phentolamine and papaverine hydrochloride. The combination of these drugs, when injected in to the sexual organ, has been proven to deliver optimum results for more than 70% of men who have tried it. Other than this, there are also prosthetic implants, creams, vacuum pumps and many other potential medical treatments that have been proven to be perfect cures for ED.

Natural remedies:

When it comes to treating erectile dysfunction, natural remedies always seem to be the best option as they are free of any side-effects. You can either opt for home remedies, acupuncture, ayurvedic medicines or any other natural erectile dysfunction remedies for that matter, and you will end up getting more than you bargained for. There are plenty of natural herbs like gingko, ginseng, ashwagandha, etc., and natural compounds like L-arginine and Propionyl-L-Carnitine that have been scientifically proven to work wonders when it comes to fixing your sexual problems and to increase your libido. When you opt for natural ways to treat ED you not only cure your sexual problems but also get benefits as far as your overall health is concerned due to the vitamins, antioxidants and minerals present in these natural resources.


Male sexual activities are closely bound with their psychology and emotions. Thus psychological issues have often been found to be a major cause of this disorder. However, there are plenty of psychological treatments such as counseling, medication, group therapy and lifestyle changes that can bring amazing results as far as curing erection problems are concerned. Though there are some controversies regarding the effectiveness of psychotherapy on erectile dysfunction, it is still being used as an important treatment for the disease. Erectile dysfunction remedies, if opted for at the right time, can truly be beneficial in treating the disease, no matter the cause; but choosing the right treatment is the key.

About the Author: Erectile dysfunction remedies Before choosing a method of treatment for impotence, one has to determine the reason for the impotence, because the method of treatment depends on the cause of the problem. Click here for Erectile dysfunction treatment

Click here for for Erectile dysfunction treatment

Author Bio: About the Author: Erectile dysfunction remedies Before choosing a method of treatment for impotence, one has to determine the reason for the impotence, because the method of treatment depends on the cause of the problem. Click here for Erectile dysfunction treatment

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Erectile dysfunction in young men, Erectile dysfunction medication, Erectile dysfunction pills, Erec

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