Filing Bankruptcy in Florida

The economy has been a complete mess lately and it has been causing a lot of stir with people that have their own businesses or who own their own homes and have been unemployed for a long time. Small business owners seem to be the ones that are hit the hardest. If you are self- employed then you probably know just how difficult it has been to make it through these times. This is why you may be thinking about filing for bankruptcy. You should also be looking for a bankruptcy lawyer so that you will be able to get a fair deal.

Going bankrupt is never fun and it will not be a pleasant experience but when you have someone that can help you through this process you are going to be much more calm and you would not have to worry that you are doing something wrong every step of the way.

Before you do file with a legal expert, you need to make sure that you understand Florida bankruptcy laws. According to this law, a permanent resident of Florida is able to file in a bankruptcy court in Florida. There are three different courts for bankruptcy in Florida because there is one in every district. You must file in the district that you live in. This is where a legal advisor would come in handy. Your legal professional should discuss with you your options and the different types of chapters for filing. Most claims are going to be those that are personal and will come under chapters 7 and 13. Chapter 13 is known as wage-earner plan and chapter 7 is named liquidation or straight bankruptcy. When either of these chapters are filed a trustee will take all of the non-exempt property and sell it so that the creditors will get some of their money but exempted property will not be taken.

You can discuss with your legal advisor about what laws determine which property is exempt and which property is non-exempt to get a better understanding of what you might be up against with your bankruptcy case. When it comes to the laws in Florida they only deviate from the federal bankruptcy law when it comes to the exempted property or a few other minor things. If you want to look at a list of properties that are allowed to be exempted you can look on the Florida exemptions chart.

As you look for a legal professional you need to make sure that you find someone that is trustworthy. You can find out more about the professional you are considering hiring simply by asking them for some referrals and other information that might help you do research on them. There are also sites that do reviews on attorneys and these could be helpful as well. It is important that you pick the right attorney so that you get the compensation that you deserve. You do not want to get a worse deal than you could have gotten if you would have had professional advice at your fingertips.

Ellie Lewis recently spent time researching bankruptcy with the help of a Miami bankruptcy law firm. She hired a Miami bankruptcy lawyer to represent her sister.

For more information about bankruptcy go to .

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis recently spent time researching bankruptcy with the help of a Miami bankruptcy law firm. She hired a Miami bankruptcy lawyer to represent her sister.

Category: Legal
Keywords: Miami bankruptcy,Miami bankruptcy lawyer

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