For Young and New Writers: Working With an Epublisher Can be Profitable

Being a young or new author can be quite disheartening. You are trying to find your writing style/voice all the while looking for an agent to take you under their wing and on top of all that, getting a publisher to take a chance on you and publish your book.

And it’s hard isn’t it? Finding that agent and big or even small brick-n-mortar publishing company who will give you a chance?

Flat out rejection hurts, and repeated rejections can cause a young or new writer to doubt themselves so deeply, they won’t believe they have it in them to put fingers to keyboard anymore. Also, rejection does no good when it is generic feedback and offers no clue as to improving your writing. And as we all well know, you can’t please everybody.

Well new and young authors, have you ever considered epublishing as a way to get your books out there? I know, I know, there are some that will tell you that epublishing is not truly being published. I’m here to tell you that not only is it truly being published but it is the future and even some brick-n-mortar publishing companies are starting to lean toward it.

Epublishing is a way to go when you want to see your work for sell fast as well as professionally and has other benefits like:

Ebooks come in an array of genres and subgenres so you can find a niche, explore it, expand it, or change it on a whim.

You can sell internationally faster than if your book is somewhere sitting on a shelf in a building.

Also, since ebooks are downloaded instantly, if a reader liked what they read and wanted more titles from you, they can find you through a supplied link (included in your ebook) and download more of your work immediately. Instant sells can up your fanbase quickly.

It is cheaper to go with an epublisher than to go with a traditional publisher, or even self publish. None I have ever corresponded with charge a fee, they help with advertising and marketing, provide ecovers, allow you to retain more of your rights – for instance, an epublisher may only ask for the electronic rights for your book (includes: ebook, audiobooks, digital, cd’s, etc.) but you keep the print rights – allowing you to have your hardcover and/or paperback book on the shelves at the same time your ebook is selling on the internet. Very profitable indeed.

So you see, epublishing, though still fairly new, is nothing to shake a stick at. It can be where you fit in. It can be what gets your name out there and known. Who knows, maybe it can help put you on the path of the New York Times Bestseller List.

Now take heart you young and new writers, you can be published, you may just have to rethink your view on what and how being published means to you.

Author Bio: Nina Hobson is an owner of Hellicious Horrors™ Epublishing. The epublishing company devoted solely to horror ebooks starring straight, bi, gay, lesbian and transgender preteens – young adults. A supporting member of the Horror Writer\’s Association and a member of IBPA.

Category: Writing
Keywords: epublishing, writing, young author, horror, young adult, publishing, teens, new writer, new author

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