How Modal Exciters Are Used

Though many people have never heard of it and even fewer understand how it works, a modal exciter is a fairly interesting device. Modal excitation accomplishes things that could not be accomplished manually. The devices predict how much a structure will move once it is complete and allows there to be tests done during the design and construction process so manufacturers know it is safe and how long it will last under normal and exaggerated conditions. Those who are unfamiliar with manufacturing or fields that use this technology are unlikely to understand exactly how the machine completes the process. Simplified, it rattles and moves parts simulating what will happen once they are in use. The goal is to put stress on the parts equal to or beyond what they will eventually experience. The process is similar to an experimental trial or a science experiment.

Once the parts have been put under duress and “excited,” experts use the information to counter the movements. They determine where the weaknesses seemed to be. They design better and stronger parts to balance out the duress the part will encounter everyday. This in turn makes a stronger, longer lasting piece of machinery. Measuring the duress is important because of breakage. It is important to understand that many of the parts tested are components in cars and machinery. If it breaks, it can lead to accidents and danger. Knowing what to expect from a part makes it easier to guarantee its safety before it is in use by consumers.

One of the most common things tested with this type of technology are bridge parts. Bridges are traveled by cars and by pedestrian day after day. During the design process, it is important to understand the best way to create the structure to avoid accidents. As the design and building process moves forward, the engineers have to be completely confident their structure will hold up to constant stress. In addition to exposure weight and traffic, it is also important to understand how the elements will affect the parts. Engineers are able to use study how the parts hold up not only under duress, but long-term exposure to wind and rain.

Frequency is one of the most important aspects of testing parts. It shows how things inside the structure will behave over time. Engineers are then able to use the information to make decisions about the final design. It is fascinating to learn how changes and adjustments are made just based on the results from these tests. It saves money and time during the research and development phases for a variety of machinery and parts.

Though few people have ever heard of the machines and many have no idea how the machines work, they affect everyone’s everyday lives. If they drive a car, travel anywhere, or use any kind of household machinery, there is a good chance it was once “excited” before it was given the go-ahead to be a part of the final product. The reason you are able to drive safely and feel confident your technology will withstand the test of time is because of these fascinating machines.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently met with an engineer who could explain the use of a modal exciter and its benefits. He toured the company that produces modal excitation systems.

Category: Business
Keywords: modal exciter,modal excitation

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