How to Become Fat Easily

If you are reading this article, then you must be one of those who are very thin and no matter what you do, you just could not put on a few extra pounds of fat on your skinny frame. You must have wondered why is it that some people can put on weight so easily while it is so difficult for you.

I am sure that you know that in order to increase your weight healthily, you need to consume more good calories than what your body burn from your daily activities and at the same time, lift weights to put on muscle mass and thus gain muscle weight.

But you are impatient because by doing that will take time and a lot of effort to do so. You have tried that and your progress was slow, if any at all. You now resolved to increase your weight as fast and as easily as possible. You do not give a hoot whether the methods are healthy or not. All you want is to put on weight now.

So here are some easy ways in which you can increase your weight by increasing your body fat. However, I do not advocate this approach as the methods can be rather unhealthy because what you be putting on will be body fat and will also be cultivating some unhealthy habits.

Cut Down Sleeping Time – By sleeping less, you are putting stress on your body forcing it to generate more fat storing hormones such as cortisol. Also, the longer that you are awake, the more time you will have to get hungry and eat more.

Enjoy Snacking – Pop into the nearest supermarket and buy boxes of your favorite snacks. Factory processed foods are usually high in fat, sugar and salt. Sugar and fat will increase your body fat percentage and salt can cause water retention making you bloat and thus become heavier because of water weight. Besides, the snacks that come in boxes usually contain chemicals and preservatives that can also make you fat.

Skipping Breakfast – Hah! Got you there didn’t I? You see, many overweight people thought that skipping breakfast can help them lose weight. It is not true because your body already has been without food for the good part of the night when you were snoozing. So, when you skipped your breakfast, you are further depriving your body of food for another few hours and causing it to go into what is commonly known as the \”famine mode\” to start storing body fat. Then when lunch time comes around, you are probably very hungry and will eat more than usual.

Do Not Eat Your Greens – Vegetables are high in fiber and so when you eat them with a meal, its fibers prevents some calories from being absorbed. Furthermore, most vegetables have very few calories, so why not replace the vegetables with foods which contain more calories. Then in between meals, take some fiber supplements to get your roughage to prevent constipation.

Avoid Plain Water – Replace drinking plain water with sugary drinks such as soft drinks and sodas. This is because plain water does not contain any calories but when you drink sugary beverages, you are taking in the extra sugar calories and at the same time causing your insulin level to surge to store even more fat.

By following the above tips, you should start to gain body fat gradually and easily. Don’t do this for too long as it is really not healthy to gain weight this way.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness consultant and has helped many people increase their weight healthily through good eating habits and weight training. If you really desire to become heavier, then read how to gain weight fast and how to gain muscle weight. Your days of being skinny will be over soon.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: gain weight, increase weight, body fat

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