How To Lose Tummy Fat Effectively

Your abdominal fat is not only unsightly, it can also be a threat to your good health because much of the tummy fat is deposited deep in the belly around the organs and may cause potentially fatal diseases such diabetes, stroke and even cardiac arrest. So if you noticed that your tummy is getting bigger, don\’t you think it is about time you do something about it?

Firstly, you need to understand that you cannot target specifically the area you want to lose fat in unless you opt for medical procedures such as liposuction. If you want to lose weight through dieting and exercise, your body fat will come off all over your physique, including those fats in your tummy. If you have not been successful in losing weight before, then you may want to consider hiring a good personal trainer to help you to do the job more effectively.

You can begin to lose weight by developing a good healthy eating habit. The first thing that you can do is to start reducing starchy foods such as sugar, white rice, pasta, white bread, noodles, confectioneries and pastries from your meals. Starchy foods cause your insulin level to rise and this will cause the storage of body fat.

You should also stay away from refined processed foods. In other words, foods that come in boxes that you can find in supermarkets. Processed foods are often full of sugar, laced with preservatives and chemicals that cause harm to the body as well fat accumulation.

Instead of eating three meals a day, spread your meals to five or six times a day, but in smaller portions. The effect of this is that you are cranking up your metabolism all day long as well as not allowing your body to go into the so called \”starvation mode\” when your stomach is empty. This is because when you are in the starvation mode, your body tends to store fat.

A doctor had me laughing out loud when I overheard her advising an overweight patient how to lose weight. She just summed it up in one word, exercise.

So what is so funny about that? Well, this is because not all exercises are the same. Some are more effective than others in fat burning and some have almost no effect at all. Then what about the duration or how often to exercise? What about raising testosterone from certain types of exercises to burn even more fat?

So by just advising her patient to exercise, the doctor left many questions unanswered. It is just like telling someone to drive a car when that person has not even learnt how to drive, isn\’t it?

Now what I am going to say next may surprised some of you because the best exercises to lose body fat are exercises to build muscles and not long boring cardio exercises. Did you notice that I said \”lose body fat\” and not \”lose weight\”? The reason for this is that when you build muscles, you will gain weight because of the increased muscle mass but at the same time you will also lose body fat.

The idea for building muscles is that the more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be so that you will be burning more fat all the time. Also when you are building muscles, many of the calories that you eat will be used up to repair your muscles from the heavy workouts and to fuel muscle growth and by those reasons, far less calories will be stored as body fat. What is even better, when you have effectively gotten rid of those fat in your tummy, your abdominal muscles will start to show up and you will be the proud owner a much coveted six pack abs. Isn\’t that nice?

Author Bio: Chris Chew is the professional personal trainer and said that if you really want to lose weight, then read how to eat weight off and lose weight for women

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: lose tummy fat, lose weight, build muscles

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