How To Make A Loy Kratong Boat With Flowers

Every country proud itself with cultures made distinct by unique traditions. For instance, Thailand brags of Loy Kratong – a unique tradition to honour their river goddess, Phra Mae Khongkha.

Loy Kratong is a traditional Thai ceremony that is held every November when the night sky shines in dominance due to the moon\’s fullness. In this ceremony, beautiful boats called Kratong are made to float in the river to seek forgiveness from the river goddess for damaging and polluting the body of water which she dearly loves. Making Kratongs is often a family affair where these banana leaf boats are decorated with orchid leaves, flower Thailand arrangements, candles and coins. If you are wondering how this Kratong\’s are made, the following simple steps will leave you in-the-know.

1. Cut or slice a banana trunk – this will be the kratong\’s base. The banana trunk is commonly recommended because it easily serves as the kratong\’s natural floating base.

2. Attach some leaves of jackfruit around the sliced banana trunk. Make sure that the leaves are pointing upward. Use small pins to hold the leaves into place.

3. Attach another layer of jackfruit leaves onto the sliced banana trunk. This time, have the leaves appear alternately with the first layer.

4. Cut the lower parts of the jackfruit leaves. Perform this process within the bottom surface line of the sliced banana trunk.

5. Polish the other side of the sliced banana trunk. This step will make the kratong appear clean. Accomplish this by attaching enough pandanus leaves onto the banana trunk.

6. Beautify your kratong. Embed some flowers on it. One popular choice among kratong makers is the purple amaranth globe. Commonly, you can attach these pieces by pricking them into half with small sticks (toothpicks will commonly do the trick). Attach amaranth globes until only a small space is left to where you can place candle sticks.

7. Finish the loi kratong boat by placing a small candle, flowers, three incense sticks, and some coins. Betel nuts are optional additions. The candle stick will serve as its light because the ceremony is celebrated at night. Candles and incense sticks are used to drive away bad spirits that are believed to influence the people in harming the bodies of water. The coins symbolize the urge of prosperity. Betel nuts serve as food offering to the goddess. Letting the loi kratong float freely on the river s associated with letting go of anger, grudges and other feelings.

By following the simple guideline presented herewith, create a loi kratong masterpiece like any other kratong makers can.

Overtime, the loi kratong tradition has also experienced several changes. From the traditional banana trunks used, some kratong makers are now using bread, frangipani, and paper plates as the boat\’s base. Other flowers that are commonly used to decorate the kratong are marigold, roses, sunflowers, and other Thailand flowers.

Anchored on its purpose of asking forgiveness for the excessive pollution and harm done to the bodies of water, more and more kratong creators are resorting to the use of bread base. Aside from being biodegradable, they can easily become food for the fishes and other animals that thrive in the water. Practice making your own loi kratong boat now and prepare for this year\’s celebration on November 10, 2011.

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Category: Recreation
Keywords: How To Make A Loy Kratong Boat With Flowers

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