How You Can Lose Weight Easily

Yes, losing weight is easy and I am not joking. However I have a caveat. You must know how to do it and then be committed in doing it and you will lose the pounds week after week.

Losing weight is just a matter of eating fewer calories than our body uses up for our daily activities. So if it is so easy, then why are there so many people struggling to lose weight? This is because many people were given the wrong or vague advice and are doing it ineffectively.

Take for example, all of us know that we need to exercise to burn off more calories, but which exercises are more effective? Most people will say that it is cardio vascular exercises like long distance jogging and the likes.

Well, cardio exercises do burn calories but are they the best methods to do so? Probably not, otherwise most people who rely on cardio exercises to lose weight would have succeeded which is obviously not the case. Two of the best exercises for burning off excess body fat is weight training to build muscles and High Intensity Interval Training. Surprised you, didn’t I?

Yes, you need weight training to build muscles so that you can burn fat more effectively. I can imagine my female readers squirming with the thought of weight training. Girls, you don’t have to worry about building bulky muscles because you simply do not have enough testosterone, which is an important muscle building hormone.

You see, muscles are active tissues and therefore the more muscle you built, the more your body more uses up calories. That means that your natural fat burning capacity is on an overdrive mode when you have more muscle.

Furthermore when you workout with compound exercises such as full squats, dead lifts and bench presses, you are working out big major muscle groups and several body parts at the same time which means that you will need to use more energy and thus you burn more calories with those kind of exercises.

Yes, you may gain weight with weight lifting because you will gain muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. However, as your body fat decreases and at the same time your muscle increases, you are gaining lean muscle weight and losing body fat weight and you will look more healthy and attractive.

Some of you may be afraid to train with weights because you don’t want to look like those huge muscular WWE wrestlers. Well, you won’t get that huge because those guys undergo very specialized training and supplement with expensive nutrition to get to those sizes. Even with that, it will take years of training to get that big unless you are on steroids.

On days when you are not working out with weights, do HIIT workouts. You can either hire a weight loss fitness personal trainer to coach you or scour the internet for many versions of HIITs. Forget about long cardio workout because many studies had proven that HIIT is much more effective for burning fat.

Of course you should also watch what you are eating. It is not necessary to go on any starvation diets. All you have to do is just eliminate high glycemic carbs and processed foods from your meals. Stop drinking sugar laden beverages and that include fruit juices. Sugar, like any high glycemic carbs spikes up your blood insulin level which encourages your body to store body fat. If you must drink fruit juice, then eat the whole fruit instead so that the fibers can slow down sugar absorption.

Avoid foods that can be digested easily such as white bread, white rice and foods that are made from flour such as pastries and cookies. This is because since they are digested quickly, they are in your bloodstream quickly too and before you can use them up for energy, they are already being stored as body fat.

Processed foods that come in boxes and tin cans contain preservatives and other chemicals which are toxic to your body causing it to accumulate fat. Furthermore, most processed foods are full of sugar and calories.

Try out what is discussed in this article and see your body fat melting away week after week. Did I mention to you that losing weight is easy?

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a professional weight loss personal trainer at Personal trainer Singapore and How to slim down quickly

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: lose weight healthily, muscle, weight training, personal trainer

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