Insulin Resistance – Does Being Insulin Resistant Mean I Have Diabetes?
To be resistant to insulin implies that your body actually has unwillingness towards your own insulin, an important type of hormone that has an effect on the manner your body process the food that you take. Your cells are composed of insulin receptors that must be able to respond to insulin, thereby letting energy in the form of glucose into your cells. If you are suffering from insulin resistance syndrome, you are most likely to possess fewer insulin receptors on your cells that what you must. The outcome is that energy, in the form of glucose molecules remains in the bloodstream and gets stored in your system as fat. An insulin resistant diet regimen assists you in lowering your weight and develops your sensitivity to insulin hormone.
There are a lot of terms used to refer to being insulin resistant, such as insulin resistance, syndrome X and metabolic syndrome. These terminologies are all used in describing a condition in which your system is resistance to your own insulin hormones.
If you are resistant to insulin, the first thing that you must do is to be certain that you are consuming a diet which is intended for your condition, that is to say a diet composed of low carbohydrates in order to aid your body to become less unwilling to insulin hormones. Regular exercise is also much of the essence in conjunction with your low carbohydrates diet.
There is a great risk if you do not do anything about having insulin resistance. You may develop diabetes in the long run. When you are resistant to insulin, your pancreas will tend to synthesize insulin hormones in excess in order to overcome the resistance. Through the course of time, the pancreas may tend to become worn off and unable to synthesize the hormone, and then you will suffer from diabetes. As a lot of people increasingly know, diabetes is a condition that can really be very destructive and may eventually lead to death, amputation or kidney failure. This health condition is increasing throughout the population of the entire world, and the sad news is that, there are now a lot of children suffering from this health condition. If you have resistance to insulin, what’s good is that you can safeguard yourself from the condition through the consumption of a low carbohydrates diet program, regular exercise and consumption of a unique formula in your diet program.
It is not advisable that if you are resistant from insulin, you just stop from eating carbohydrates. Very abrupt modifications in the diet are very difficult to sustain. It is for this reason why a lot of low carbohydrate diets do not bring about lasting weight reduction. An excellent low carbohydrate diet is one that starts slowly so that the body will have some time to adopt to the low carbohydrate style. There are some diet programs that could include specialized guidelines to make it a lot easier for you to adjust to a low carbohydrate diet as an essential part of your weight reduction regimen.
Author Bio: Do you still have questions about insulin resistance and how to manage or reverse this condition? Visit today for more free information!
Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: insulin resistant,insulin resistant diet,insulin resistance,insulin resistant mean,resistant mean