Leaky Gut Syndrome, What is It?

Leaky Gut Syndrome is a little known disease that has a host of accompanying symptoms. As this is not something generally taught in medical school, most Doctors are not aware that the symptoms the patient is experiencing can be tied back to Leaky Gut Syndrome. Leaky Gut Syndrome is also sometimes mistaken for Leaky Bowels but they are not at all the same, and the causes and treatment are completely different.

Generally speaking the food that you eat moves through your body in a certain well established pattern from the stomach and then into the small and large intestines before the wastes are eliminated. This process ensures that all the minerals and materials you need from the food are obtained and the things that your body either does not need or are not good for you are removed. In addition, there are both \”good\” and \”bad\” bacteria living in your gut that help with the digestion process and your body needs a proper balance of both types to ensure that everything is functioning at peak efficiency.

Unfortunately when this balance is disturbed, it is possible for your body\’s own defenders to become the villain! Antibiotics are one of the prime culprits in causing this disturbance as they are unable to differentiate between good and bad bacteria and therefore they target the good bacteria as much as the bad causing a shift in the necessary balance. In addition, certain foodstuffs can react with your body\’s autoimmune system in a negative manner and these defenders can cause irritation and inflammation of the intestinal lining.

When the intestinal lining gets impacted, toxins and poisons can pass directly through the lining into the bloodstream further impacting the body and reactions can range from cramping, bloating and gastrointestinal pains to muscle aches and pains in other parts of the body. In fact this is one of the main reasons that Leaky Gut Syndrome is so difficult to identify, as the symptoms are not confined to just one region, but can spread throughout the body and act in different ways.

Treating Leaky Gut Syndrome however is not that difficult – as the main treatments are abstinence and changes to your diet. Specifically if you are taking antibiotics for another illness, finish the course of medicine for that illness but then stop taking it. This might be enough in itself. If however your symptoms have developed without antibiotics involved, you will want to consider changing your diet and removing different foodstuffs. Start with citrus fruits (oranges) and berries (strawberries) but also look at kiwi fruits, pineapples and bananas. You will also want to minimize certain vegetables – eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes and wild and brown rice as well as foods with yeast (bread). While this list might seem somewhat daunting, it is temporary as you only need to remove these foods from your diet for 30 days. After this period of time you can gradually start adding foods back into your diet – ensuring that you give your body 3 days between each food item – so that you body has time to adjust appropriately.

As a sufferer of Leaky Gut Syndrome for many years I set out to find out more information about this dibilitating condition. At first I went to all kinds of doctors and specialist, spending $100

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