Major Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men

Erectile dysfunction refers to a medical condition in which a man loses his ability to get an erection or if he does get an erection he is unable to maintain it long enough to have satisfying sexual intercourse. This condition is quite common in men but it normally affects them once they cross their 50’s. However these days the number of people reporting this symptom is more in their 30’s rather than in their 50’s. This is bringing light to the medical researchers that now erectile dysfunction in young men is actually getting more common. This led them to research more on the topic to figure out what the main causes are that are contributing towards an increase in erectile dysfunction in young men as compared to older men. The findings of those researches will be highlighted in this article to bring awareness to all men out there so that they can prevent falling victim to erectile dysfunction in young men.

The first major cause found out by medical researchers for erectile dysfunction in young men was excessive smoking. We all know that smoking is bad for the health of a person as it causes a lot of dangers and poses higher risk of cancer. But these latest findings now show that smoking doesn’t only cause cancer but can also cause erectile dysfunction in young men. This is because when all the nicotine and tar gets build up in the arteries it starts causing blockage. When the flow of blood to penis is interrupted it causes erectile dysfunction in young men. It also causes the heart to weaken which again makes it difficult for a man to maintain adequate blood pressure and flow of blood to his organs to maintain an erection thus leading to erectile dysfunction in young men.

The second major cause that leads to erectile dysfunction in young men is an excessive amount of alcohol. For our body’s nervous system alcohol is like a depressant. This is why when people consume more alcohol they feel a sense of relaxation. The brain starts missing a lot of signals and then also misses signals for libido stimulation thus leading to erectile dysfunction in young men. the young man’s body no longer is able to fire those neurons to the brain that tell the brain that the penis needs a higher flow of blood to get an erection. This is why those men who consume a lot of alcohol in their 30’s may experience the problem of erectile dysfunction in young men but only temporarily for as long as they stick to their high consumption of alcohol routine. Men who drink a lot also state that they have a very low desire for sex because their libido is always depressed.

The third cause of erectile dysfunction in young men is the use of narcotic drugs. Narcotic drugs have the same effect on the human body that alcohol has. It acts as a depressant on the human brain, hormones, nervous system and other parts of the human body thus leading to erectile dysfunction in young men. The difference between alcohol and narcotic drugs is that alcohol leaves the body within only 12 hours whereas narcotic drugs easily take 48 hours to fully wash out of the system thus leading to a longer lasting erectile dysfunction in young men.

The fourth medical condition that is a major cause of erectile dysfunction in young men is heart disease. Poor genetics mainly leads to this or high blood pressure and high cholesterol in the human body resulting from a poor diet. All these diseases and problems lead to plaque which causes blockage of the arteries and thus erectile dysfunction in young men.

Erectile dysfunction in young men is a medical terminology used to describe a condition in which a man is unable to get erection hard enough to enjoy a satisfactory intercourse for both himself and his partner. Click here for Impotence erectile dysfunction

Click here for for Impotence erectile dysfunction

Author Bio: Erectile dysfunction in young men is a medical terminology used to describe a condition in which a man is unable to get erection hard enough to enjoy a satisfactory intercourse for both himself and his partner. Click here for Impotence erectile dysfunction

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Erectile dysfunction in young men, Erectile dysfunction medication, Erectile dysfunction remedies, I

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