Minimalist Interior Design Styles

If you need to redesign your home into the Zen design, there are key areas to get started. Zen interior design typically brings to mind scenes of serenity and harmony, a link with nature and a minimalist Japanese style.

Clutter and loud colors usually are not used, neither are intricate patterns, excess furniture or lots of ornaments. Zen actually isn\’t even a style in any respect. It is best known as a pure state of being.

Many people think Zen is linked with the Japanese, but its actual source is from China. Zen may well be described as a branch of Buddhism that focuses on meditation to gain enlightenment.

Zen is about inner awareness and true awakening of the true Buddha mind. Structuring a Zen style in your home can be easy. The mind must be brought into the correct state of mind.

The focus is on the here and now, calmness, harmony and on just being there.

The initial step is to go through each room and clear the clutter. Move out ornaments and knick-knacks.

In Zen, it is important to clear the clutter in order to clear the mind. Be fierce when going through your items.

What you decide to keep should serve a purpose. If you don\’t have the heart to get rid of something, store it away out of sight.

Additionally, rid your home of any surplus pieces of furniture. This means walls, ceilings, and floors also. Anything
showy or fussy is not Zen. Then it is time to think about color. Colors should be soothing and calm, not loud or bold.

Benefits of a Zen Home
I could probably go on for awhile about this, but let me just list a few key benefits:

Much Less stressful. A bunch of junk or clutter can be visually unappealing as well as a distraction,, and everything in our vision pulls at our attention at least a little.Less junk equals less visual distraction leads to less stress. That\’s a Zen home which is calming.

More Visually appealing. See in your mind\’s eye an image of a cluttered home, and an image of the minimalist house. The ones with just about nothing in them except some beautiful furniture, some nice artwork, and a very few pretty decorations, are the ones that appeal to most of us. You could make your house more appealing by making it more minimalist.

So Much Easier to clean. It’s hard to clean a whole bunch of things, or to sweep or vacuum around a bunch of furniture. The more stuff you have, the more you have to keep clean, and the more complicated it is to clean around the stuff. Think about how easy it is to clean an empty room in comparison to to one with 50 objects in it. That’s an extreme example, of course, as I wouldn’t recommend you have an empty room, but it’s just to illustrate the difference.

Additionally by utilizing used furniture from various consignment shops can influence the feel inside the home as it brings a minimalist attitude of spending into your consciousness.

Author Bio: Used Furniture, Resale Furniture & Consignment Resale Furniture, cheap furniture, sell your furniture

Category: Advice
Keywords: gently used furniture, consignment shop, sell furniture, furniture buyer, estate sale

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