Nibblers vs Gorgers – The Benefits of Eating Small and Frequent Meals Over the Day

In a world taken over by the hunt for what to eat, the crucial but obliviously sidelined how to eat it, seems lost. Compare the most effective diets of all time and the one thing you will find common to all of them is the size and frequency of meals. While we have been traditionally conditioned to consume three square portions a day, modern nutritive studies provide overwhelming evidence pointing to the benefits of eating small and frequent meals over the day as opposed to our customary breakfast, lunch and dinner routines.

Science prefers Nibblers
Researchers at the American Dietetic Association and the British Medical Journal unanimously prescribe diet plans that schedule one’s optimum, daily calorie consumption over four to six snack-sized portions with a gap of 2-3 hours between consecutive meals. Not only does healthy snacking help you shed those pounds without depriving you of food, it also wins you heaps of other health benefits.

Nibblers and Metabolism
You can understand this concept better if you think of your metabolism as a machine. When you turn the machine on, it takes time to warm up before it can start the actual work. Similarly, long gaps between meals give your metabolism time to become sluggish, making your body go that extra mile to get it up and running again. However, in the case of small and frequent meals, because you’re keeping your metabolism active by eating often, you save on the time taken to “start up”, burning more calories in the same amount of time.

Nibblers put Food to Good Use
Nibbling, as against gorging, helps your body absorb nutrients more efficiently. Your body can process only a small amount of food at a given time, discarding spare nutrients or storing them as fat reserves. Smaller helpings ensure healthy utilization of food, preventing unnecessary wastage and storage. Snacking also keeps your cholesterol levels in check and fends it from heart troubles.

Nibblers are more Productive
When you let a lot of time go by before a meal, your blood sugar drops, making you feel tired. Timely snacking boosts energy levels and ensures that your body remains replenished with nutrients, helping you improve your daily productivity and efficiency.

Prioritize Breakfast
Breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day as it determines the way your body responds to all the other meals that follow. Ideally, your breakfast should be the heaviest meal of the day. After this first meal, your portions should follow a pyramid pattern, making your last meal the smallest. It is important that you maintain consistent meal timings and not “jet-lag” your metabolism by deviating from the meal plan you’ve decided to adhere to.

Points to Remember for Novice Nibblers
Increasing the number of meals does not amount to consuming more food. You only redistribute the same number of calories to help your body put them to healthier use. You also need not be weary of cooking those extra meals. Be smart, split a large portion and save a part for your next meal. You can carry nuts, bananas, healthy protein shakes, fruits, salads, whole-grained egg white/grilled chicken/tuna low-fat sandwiches and other easy-to-make-and-carry, healthy food options. Drink plenty of water through the day to help your stomach adjust to the new food pattern.

Uprooting a routine you have been following all your life may seem like an uphill task, but once you’re able to internalize the new pattern, you’ll realize that the key to fitness and vitality lies as much in how you eat your food as it does in what you eat. Chart out a plan, balance your meals, add a touch of discipline and you’ll be on your way to that perfect body and a world of good health!

Author Bio: If you want to book for a boot camp session, or for a free consultation with a Personal Trainer Sydney, visit Sydney Personal Trainers.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Boot Camp

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