Owner of Grand Bahama Rentals Agency Says More Buyers Want to Go Solar

NASSAU, BAHAMAS -The drive to be \”green\” has resulted in lots of environmentally sound choices when it comes to homes. Perhaps as a result, more effort is being focused on using the sun’s energy to power Bahamas residences. Power in the Bahamas can pose challenges, which has prompted homeowners to turn to the sun as a viable solution.

\”We are learning more about our ability to use solar power to generate energy in homes,\” said Rachel Pinder, principle broker of Island Living Real Estate, an agency that focuses on Bahamas rental houses and real estate listings. “Even for those who own Bahama rentals, solar energy is an option worth looking at.\”

Power costs are determined by international crude oil rates and when they rise, renewable energy specialists suggest more staunchly to users that they adopt more green technologies by using the sun or wind as power sources, according to reearth.com, a blog that covers Bahamian environmental issues.

Two varieties of solar power systems are available in houses- solar photovoltaic and solar thermal water heaters, said Mark Lambrides, division chief for energy and climate change at the Organization of the American States, in an interview with the Nassau Guardian. Solar thermal water heaters use the sun to create hot water for use in washing clothes or taking showers.

Solar photovoltaic systems connect to the energy grid. They gather the sun’s energy to generate electricity for homes when the sun shines. Solar powered homes then are able to tap into electricity from the grid at night.

\”If you own a Bahamas rental villa, getting a solar hot water system or photovoltaic system could mean long-term energy savings in the form of lower electric bills,\” Pinder said. \”There could be higher costs up front because of installation costs, but we have seen that many Bahamas house rental owners keep their properties for years to maximize profits. Because of that, many investors don’t mind if it takes several years for the system to pay for itself.\”

The longer they own of their home or villa, Bahamas real estate broker Pinder said, the more likely they are to recoup their installation costs.

There are additional financial perks for those who go solar, according to Minister of the Environment Earl Deveaux, who said the Bahamian government introduced tax concession incentives to attract homeowners to install energy saving systems.

\”We have had clients who specifically want to see properties with solar systems already in place,\” Pinder said. \”People are becoming more environmentally savvy and want to find ways to do their part.\”

About Island Living Real Estate
Island Living Real Estate has more than 25 years of experience in real estate sales and rentals throughout the Bahamas. Island Living\’s main office is located in one of Nassau\’s oldest historic buildings on Bay Street, named \”Red Roofs.\” Red Roofs was built in 1896 and has been home to various families, a Gourmet Deli and now Island Living.

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Author Bio: If you would like to learn more about Grand Bahama rentals and Bahamas beach rentals or you want to know about Bahamas rental house please call at 1-242-322-7979/80.

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: Grand Bahama rentals,Bahamas beach rentals,Bahamas rental house,Bahamas rental houses, villas Bahama

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