Politeness on the Road

Many of us are aware of what is appropriate and what’s not during our daily encounters with others. However, it seems like manners and consideration for others goes out the window once we step behind the wheel. Here are a few politeness on the road tips to help make the roads a better place.

If another driver lets you merge into their lane out of, it’s considered polite to at least acknowledge the fact that they let you in. A nod, or a wave and a smile would be nice. Some drivers completely ignore the kind person who let them in and just carry on as if they expect others to just automatically let them drive in fron.

Don’t follow too closely; some drivers are in a hurry and think it is ok to ride your tail without any space in between. This won’t give you sufficient time to brake if you need to. Some rude drivers like to ride on your tail because they want to go faster but can’t pass you; perhaps all the lanes are tied up. So they think they can make you go faster by driving close behind and “pushing you”. This can result in the other driver become frightened or aggressive and pressing the brakes in order to get the other driver to back up. Tailgating isn’t a good idea ever.

One of the rudest you can do is litter while you driving. When you are travelling at a fast speed (such as on the highway), when your litter, your trash can actually hit the car behind you. It’s not fun to be driving and then get hit with someone else’s dirty food or napkins. Remember that it is illegal to litter on the road in many states and doing so can lead to massive fines if you are caught.

Don’t talk on a handheld phone when driving. The reason why this is rude is because it is super disrespectful to the person in front of you. How would you like it if the person behind you wasn’t paying any attention? Wouldn’t you feel disrespected or a bit worried that they might hit your car?

Try to drive with the flow of traffic wherever you can. Going 50 miles per hour on the freeway is just not a good idea and a safety hazard. There have been numerous occasions where I have been stuck behind a slow person. I assumed that I was stuck in traffic; however, I was wrong. It is possible for one single car to hold up 50 behind it; I have witnessed this firsthand.

Driving super slow only accomplishes to anger others on the road. Drivers like these simply cause a lot of aggravation and stress by not speeding up or moving to the right. It’s rude to hold up every single vehicle behind you just because you want to drive slow.

Let’s all be more polite and practice courtesy on the road. Sure some traffic jams and inconveniences may be unavoidable but a little respect goes a long way.

Author Bio: Written by Rachel Quinn – Chevrolet Irvine dealer offers used cars in Orange County.
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Category: Automotive
Keywords: politeness on the road, road manners, driving manners, driving etiquette

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